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Still this process bears to the sun the same relation as sowing to the seed. Hence the expression of the poet 'sowing the god-created light. There is another way in which this kind of metaphor may be employed. We may apply an alien term, and then deny of that term one of its proper attributes; as if we were to call the shield, not 'the cup of Ares, but 'the wineless cup.

Poverty unclothed, wineless poverty, to dig and toil like a "nigger" from morning until night, and to give up horses and carriages and women; that was what they spelled. "How much farther will it drop?" he asked harshly. Taylor did not look up. "Can't tell," he said, "'fraid not much though." He glanced through a telegram. "No damn it! outside mills are low; they'll stampede soon.

Have we not already the wordless dance, the wineless banquet, and all that strange unchristian conception of luxury without laughter? Are we not already in an evil Arabian Nights, and walking the nightmare cities of an invisible despot? Does not our hangman strangle secretly, the bearer of the bow string? Are we not already eugenists that is, eunuch-makers?

So I bought a quart of it, corked it up very tight, put it in my sack, and held it in store against the wineless places on the flanks of the hill called Terrible, where there are no soldiers, and where Swiss is the current language. Then I went on into the centre of the town. And the way they build a bridge in Belfort is so wonderfully simple, and yet so new, that it is well worth telling.

Therefore there is no reason to fear that wine will stir up our affections; for it never stirs up the bad, unless in the worst men, whose judgment is never sober. But as Theophrastus used to call the barbers' shops wineless entertainments; so there is a kind of an uncouth wineless drunkenness always excited either by anger, malice, emulation, or clownishness in the souls of the unlearned.