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"And," he ended, "I've got a detective looking up the rascal. He's a wretch a black wretch." "We can't take your case, Mr. Ganser," said Windisch. "It's wholly out of our line. We don't do that kind of work. I should say Beck and Brown were your people. They stand well, and at the same time they know all the tricks." "But they may play me the tricks." "I think not. They stand well at the bar."

On the 1st of May they reached the Reuss River at Windisch, and, as the emperor entered the boat to be ferried across, the conspirators pushed into it after him, leaving no room for his attendants. Reaching the opposite shore, they remounted their steeds and rode on while the boat returned for the others.

"The carpets are all sold already; we are on our return to Windisch- Matrey." "See, see how lucky you have been," said the landlord, laughing; "the passport says you started only yesterday morning, and to-day you have already sold all your carpets. Well, in that case, you are certainly justified in returning to your home.

For notices of the text see Nanjio, Nos. 399, 446, 1588. Fa-Hsien, Chap. Buddhica, 1901. The Sanskrit text seems to agree with the Chinese version. Mitra's abstracts, Nepal. Bud. Lit. pp. 95 and 101. Mitra, Nepalese Buddhist Lit. pp. 285 ff. Windisch, Die Komposition des Mahâvastu, 1909. For a learned discussion of this work see Lévi and Chavannes in J.A. 1916, Nos.

"I will, dear father Andreas; I will stay with you until then, and take care of you as a good daughter, until my dear Elza, if it please God, returns, when I will go back with her to Windisch- Matrey." At this moment Doeninger re-entered the room. "The captain is in the room yonder," he said, pointing to a side-door; "he awaits you, and will set out after seeing you.

Windisch, say he can have you put out of court." And Peter bustled and slammed his way out. Beck telephoned Loeb, and they took lunch together. "Ganser has found out about Feuerstein's wife," was Beck's opening remark. Loeb drew his lip back over his teeth. "I wish I'd known it two hours sooner. I let Feuerstein have ten dollars more." "More?" "More. He's had ninety-five on account.

"But I'll take the responsibility of delaying it can't make Feuerstein any less married, and your daughter's certainly safe in her father's care. I'll wait in the hope that YOU'LL take the first step." Ganser lost no time in going to his own lawyers Fisher, Windisch and Carteret, in the Postal Telegraph Building. He told Windisch the whole story.

Her attentive father had despatched a special messenger to his wife for Lizzie's holiday dress and her trinkets, so that Lizzie, the pride and joy of his heart, might make her entrance in a becoming manner into Windisch- Matrey. Lizzie looked really splendid in her holiday attire.

"The people of Innspruck are very kind-hearted indeed," exclaimed Andreas, joyously. "Then you have come all the way from Windisch- Matrey, Lizzie? And where is your father?" "He and his sharpshooters joined Joachim Haspinger and Joseph Speckbacher, and the united forces of the three commanders marched against the Bavarians.

The passage was made in safety, but just as the Emperor was stepping on shore near the town of Windisch, John and three of his companions struck him down with their swords, and after inflicting a number of severe wounds left him for dead. The unhappy monarch expired a few minutes after in the arms of a passing peasant woman.