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I gits 'long wid my white folks, too. All da mens an' wimmens what comes out to de club is pow'ful good to me. "I was born up near Bartley's Ferry right on de river. De way I cal'clates my age makes me 'bout 92 years old. My firs' Marster was name Mr. Harry Allen. He died when I was a boy an' I don't 'member much 'bout him.

"Men and wimmen are made with divine impulses and desires, and human needs and weaknesses, needin' the same heavenly light, and the same human aids and helps. The law should meet out to them the same rewards and punishments. "Dorlesky says you call wimmens angels, and you don't give 'em the rights of the lowest beasts that crawls upon the earth.

"I suppose so, if we can," sighed Mrs. Burton. "I guesh we can Budgie an' me," said Toddie. "An' won't we be glad all them wimmens wented away!" That evening, after the boys had retired, Mrs.

Wa'nt dat much, tho', fer big strong mans brung mo' dan wimmens an' gals." Long pauses accentuated the quavery voice of the old Negro, whose head resembled a nappy patch of cotton, and who was so enthusiastic over reminiscing about the days when she was young and carefree. "I was born in Huntsville, Alabamy, an' my mammy an' pappy was name Silby an' Sharper Conley.

And Deacon Henzy was to carry it with care to a old male Deacon in Zoar, bed rid. Wall, as I say, that is the very first I had read about their bein' any idee promulgated of wimmens settin' up on the Conference. And I, in spite of Josiah Allen's excitement, wuz in favor on't from the very first.

There is no sense in it, and I'll bet if you hunt round in your city you'll find where fallen men are kep' hid away till they can repent and reform. "Why," sez I, "men's hearts and souls and morals are made out of exactly the same stuff that wimmens be. And as I said before, let a man and a woman fall out of a high winder together it smashes him jest as bad as it duz her.

Den you beat de dirt out wid de battlin' stick. De whippin' boss got pets 'mongst de mens, too, but dey got it a li'l wusser'n de wimmens. Effen dey wan't too mean, he jes' strap 'em 'crost de sharp side of a bar'l an' give 'em a few right smaht licks wid a bull whip. But dey be some niggahs he whip good an' hard.

It was a single sheet, handed to us without a word by her father; but as we passed it from hand to hand, we understood it as if we had heard our lost playfellow's voice. "Ther's more houses in 'Frisco than you kin shake a stick at and wimmens till you kant rest, but mules and jakasses ain't got no sho, nor blacksmiffs shops, wich is not to be seen no wear.

Mos' of de cullud mens go back to where dey was raised. "Dat was afte' freedom, but my daddy say dat de niggers earn money on Old Boss' place even durin' slav'ry. He give 'em every other Sat'dy fer deyse'ves. Dey cut cordwood fer Boss, wimmens an' all. Mos' of de mens cut two cords a day an' de wimmens one. Boss paid 'em a dollar a cord.

"I nebber did diskiver w'y Pechunia was so brack, as I say afore. But 'tain't an affliction. She done t'ink it was. She done talk erbout face-bleach, an' powder, an' somet'ing she call 'rooch' wot white sassiety wimmens fixes up deir faces wid, an' says she ter me, 'Pap, I is gwine fin' some ob dese yere fixin's fur my complexion. "'Yo' go 'long, I says ter her.