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It was a narrow gorge almost completely occupied by the muddy bed and boggy shores of a drying mountain creek. It was, in Jeff's own words, a "fierce journey." The heat left them drenched in perspiration, and wiltering. The two packhorses fought for their very lives, often hock deep in a sucking mire.

He sung Darius great and good, By too severe a fate Fallen, fallen, fallen, fallen, Fallen from his high estate, And wiltering in his blood. Mrs. Dodd. I think you exaggerate. I will answer for Julia that she shall speak as distinctly to music as you do in conversation. Time will show, madam. At prisent they seem to be in no hurry to spatter us with their word-jelly.

One and all were in a state of wiltering in the stewing heat, from which only an intermittent flow of fiery spirit could rouse them. Beasley was the one exception to this general condition of things. Mentally he was particularly alert. And, what is more, his temper, usually so irritable and fiery, was reduced to a perfect level of good humor. For some moments talk had died out.

The sun was pouring down upon the wiltering foliage with a fierceness which had set the insect world droning its drowsy melody; the earth was already parching; the sloughs were already dry, and the tall grass therein was rapidly ripening against the season of haying.