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Projectin' prominent from one of her steel bay windows is a wicked-lookin' gun about the size of a young water main, and behind it a lot of jackies squintin' at us earnest. And you know how still it seems on a boat when the engines quit. I almost jumps when someone whispers in my ear. It's Vee. "Now I hope Auntie's satisfied," says she. "There's no tellin' about her," says I.

"Wherever it came from, it's a wicked-lookin' cuss," said Bud. "But what wuz ther feller goin' ter explore yer with it fer?" "This letter," said Ted, taking the crumpled paper from his pocket and handing it to Bud. "Jumpin' sand hills, ther plot thickens," said Bud, when he had finished reading it. "I don't seem ter be in it at all. What's it all erbout? Ye've got my coco whirlin' shore."

"'Gurl, he sez, 'did yez iver hear of Allison Lee? "An' all her seemed to lift. "'He is my father! she cried. 'I am Allie Lee! "Ah! thin that crowd wuz split up by a mon wot hurried through. He wuz a greaser one of thim dandies on dress an' diamonds a handsome, wicked-lookin' gambler. Seein' the gurl, he snarled, 'Go back there! an' he pointed. She niver even looked at him.

Then there wuz some native Arabs with 'em who wuz a-eatin' scorpions, and a-luggin' round snakes, and a-cuttin' and piercin' themselves with wicked-lookin' weepons, and eatin' glass; I wuz glad enough to git out of there. I hate daggers, and abominate snakes, and always did.