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Robinson, 'so we ha'ena seen the laddie for a while. 'He hasna wrote this week, remarked Jeannie. 'But of course you'll ha'e heard frae him, Christina' this with respectful diffidence. 'He's been busy at the shooting' Christina replied, wishing she had more news to give. 'I wisht I had a gun, observed Jimsie. 'I wud shoot the whuskers aff auld Tirpy. Jings, I wud that!

The boss humself hod signed ut, an' ot the bottom he wrut un hus own bond: 'The Arrata beat you by four an' a half days. Am dusappointed. Dusappointed! When I had cabled them from Newcastle. When she drydocked ot Portland, there was whuskers on her a foot long, barnacles the size o' me fust, oysters like young sauce plates. Ut took them two days afterward tull clean the dock o' shells an' muck.

Cheer up, Private Thomson; gi'e him the kidney punch on his whuskers! Guid stroke. Grocer! fair on his goods' entrance! We'll be payin' for to see ye in pictur' hooses yet the Brithers Basher! Gor, this is better nor a funeral! Keep it up, lads! And so forth. But it was far too fast to last. A few minutes, and both were utterly pumped. As though with mutual agreement, they paused panting.

He's got braw, braw tartan whuskers That defy the shears and kaim: There's an awfu' row in Brigton When M'Kay comes hame." It went on to tell how: "John M'Kay works down in Singers's, He's a ceevil engineer, But his wife's no verra ceevil When she's had some ginger-beer. When he missed the last Kilbowie train And had to walk hame lame, There wis Home Rule wi' the poker When M'Kay cam hame." Mrs.