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When Ben’s verses were printed, his brother sent him to sell them to the town’s-people, wet from the press. "Buy my ballads!" shouted Benjamin, as he trudged through the streets, with a basketful on his arm. "Who’ll buy a ballad about Black Beard? A penny a piece! a penny a piece! who’ll buy my ballads?"

That’s why I threw the glass at him and it broke against his ugly face.” “Brother, calm yourself, stop!” Alyosha entreated him. “Yes, he knows how to torment one. But now Smerdyakov’s dead, he has hanged himself, and who’ll believe you alone? But yet you are going, you are going, you’ll go all the same, you’ve decided to go. What are you going for now?’ That’s awful, Alyosha.

At some time or other every man had heard somebody he thought a heap of, buried to that tune, and his voice got to workin’ on their imaginations and turned their hearts to water. I don’t remember anything but the chorusthat went like this: "’Who’ll weep for me, on the gallows tree, As I sway in the wind and swing? Is there never a tear to be shed for me, As I swing by a hempen string?

"What’s a frank-tiroor?" inquired Sticky Smith. "And who’ll hang us?" shouted Kid Glenn from the deck of the moving steamer. "The Germans will if they catch you in that uniform," retorted the battered soldier of fortune derisively. "You chorus-boy mule drivers will wish you wore overalls and one suspender if the Dutch Kaiser nails you!"

Middieton and his children after him, hobbled up to Fanny, and laying her hard, shriveled black hand on her young mistress’ bright locks, said, "The Lord who makes the wind blow easy like on the sheared lamb, take keer of my sweet child and bring her back agin to poor old Aunt Katy, who’ll be all dark and lonesome, when Sunshine’s done gone."

When they had got their carts loaded, they began to wheel them around to the trees, and stones, and bushes, saying, “Who’ll buy my sand?” “Who’ll buy my white sand?” “Who’ll buy my gray sand?” “Who’ll buy my black sand?” But they did not seem to find any purchaser; and at last Rollo said, suddenly, “O, I know who will buy our sand.” “Who?” said James. “Mother.”

The announcement of these arrangements was received with the utmost enthusiasm. Mrs. Taunton, Emily, and Sophia, were loud in their praises. ‘Well, but tell me, Percy,’ said Mrs. Taunton, ‘who are the ten gentlemen to be?’ ‘Oh! I know plenty of fellows who’ll be delighted with the scheme,’ replied Mr. Percy Noakes; ‘of course we shall have—’ ‘Mr.

The gold-mines?” Mitya shouted at the top of his voice and went off into a roar of laughter. “Would you like to go to the mines, Perhotin? There’s a lady here who’ll stump up three thousand for you, if only you’ll go. She did it for me, she’s so awfully fond of gold-mines. Do you know Madame Hohlakov?” “I don’t know her, but I’ve heard of her and seen her. Did she really give you three thousand?

He comes to our camp and says his say. “I won’t dirty my hands with you,” says I, “at least not under five pounds; but here’s Bess who’ll fight you for nothing.” I tell you what, brother, when he knows that Bess is Mrs. Pharaoh, he’ll fight shy of our camp; he won’t come near it, brother. He knows Bess don’t like him, and what’s more, that she can lick him. He’ll let us alone; at least I think so.

Now there is no beat will support two tinkers, as you doubtless know; mine was a good one, but it would not support the flying tinker and myself, though if it would have supported twenty it would have been all the same to the flying villain, who’ll brook no one but himself; so he presently finds me out, and offers to fight me for the beat.