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so it rings out in Southern France, "in an orchard under the whitethorn leaf;" and in England, later, but yet a century before Chaucer, the same clear note is echoed, bytuene Mershe ant Averil, whan spray bigineth to spring. But in the Roman Empire under the Antonines the soil, the race, the language, were alike exhausted.

Jardine was proud of the spirit with which they saved the swamped estate of Whitethorn even from Mr. Crawfurd's bond; and having helped themselves, they helped others, then and ever afterwards. Polly Musgrave applied to them in time. Polly had written on Joanna Crawfurd's marriage a jeering, jibing letter.

I can imagine he would have that sort of feeling that mixture of love, pride, and delicacy." We could wish that Miss Austen had found the portrait; but since she never did, there is none of Mrs. Darcy in this book. The Darcys of Rosings Whitethorn Manor, HUNSDON, KENT. 4th May, 1814.

In the lowest ground stood the commodious mansion; the approach wound down through a plantation on the eminence in front. The opposite hill rose at the back of it, rich and varied with trees and shrubs scattered irregularly; under this southern hill ran a brook, and on the banks above it were spots of great natural beauty, crowned by whitethorn and oak.

He had a certain curiosity on the subject naturally, but he knew well enough that the Experiment would be useless if he laid interfering hands on its inner processes. That would be like trimming a whitethorn tree in a formal garden, to make it resemble a pyramid. He was not making a thorn pyramid in an Italian garden; he wanted an oak, to grow by the common road of all men's life.

But all the most vigorous stems of blackthorn and whitethorn he half cuts through and then bends over, twisting the heads to the next stocks or uprights, or, where there are no stocks, driving in stout stakes cut from the discarded blackthorns.

In Swabia it is said that an apple plucked from a graft on the whitethorn will, if eaten by a pregnant woman, increase her pains. "We want a boy extremely for this function, Kept under for a year with milk and knot-grass." The cat-mint, when chewed, created quarrelsomeness, a property said by the Italians to belong to the rampion.

Dorothy was too anxious to speak she dreaded to know the actual trouble. Tom and Dr. Whitethorn carried the injured boy into the library. "How's that?" asked the doctor as Ned fell back amid the cushions of a couch. "All right," replied the latter with evident effort. "Now just keep quiet, and don't attempt to move unaided," said the doctor, "and we'll see how it is in the morning. I think, Mrs.

It was not difficult to agree upon the district, we were of one mind there: the moment that we passed the town and drove along the flowery way that leads to Devorgilla, we knew that it was the road of destiny. The whitethorn is very late this year, and we found ourselves in the full glory of it.

Reilly snatched up his hat, and whispered to the widow, "Deny that you saw me, or that there was any one here! Put out the candle! they might see our figures darkening the light as we go out!" Fergus and Reilly immediately planted themselves behind a whitethorn hedge, in a field adjoining the cabin, in order to reconnoitre the party, whoever they might be, which they could do in safety.