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It happened to be market day, and Wilhelm had been watching with interest the cheerful bustle in the High Street, and the new type of country people: the men with their carts bringing in calves, pigs, and grain, fine-looking fellows, with tall sturdy figures, and shrewd, clean-shaven faces above the blue cotton white-embroidered blouses and severely stiff snow-white shirt collars; and the women in round dark-brown cloaks reaching to their feet; the drum-beating, yelling tooth-drawers and patent medicine venders praising their remedies against tapeworm and ague with incredible volubility, and the couple of majestic gendarmes in their imposing uniforms, with yellow leather belts and cocked hats, who found no occasion to exhibit their stern official side to the noisy, laughing, but well-behaved crowd.

I never was so impressed in my life as when I saw him. He wore a white-cloth soutane and white-embroidered calotte and red slippers, and looked so kind and full of benevolence that he seemed goodness personified.

Very pretty she looked in her low-necked, white-embroidered frock, with the cherry-coloured sash, her face flushed after the bath. Even her Ladyship was bound to acknowledge that she was quite a lovely child. "What is your name, child?" she said condescendingly. "I don't love you," said Babette, and stuck out her tongue.

And as Uncle Isaac never except after long absences paid even "Master John" the honor of coming to meet him, Elizabeth wondered who the guest could be. Coming down stairs she met Harriet in her very gayest head-kerchief and her white-embroidered apron, and her best-company manner: "De minister am come, Miss Lizzie de Rev. Mr. Rollins am 'rived; and de camp-meetin' will be 'ranged 'bout now.

At the same moment two sailors appeared over the edge of the quay, and a Maltese cross of light burst into radiance at the end of a sloping gangway, whose summit was just perched on the solid masonry of the port. The sailors were clothed in blue, with white caps, and on their breasts they bore the white-embroidered sign: "Ariadne, R.T.Y.C." "Look lively, lads, with the luggage," said Mr. Gilman.