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Every spring, for perhaps a century, or as long as there has been a nation of red men, an island in the middle of White-bear Lake has been visited by a band of Indians for the purpose of making maple sugar. Tradition says that many springs ago, while upon this island, a young warrior loved and wooed the daughter of his chief, and it is said, also, the maiden loved the warrior.

We all said in unison: "Ask for their cards. Who can they be?" The concierge came back with Mr. O 's card. I recollected my impulsive invitation and thought it very polite of them to be so empresses. I went into the salon, followed by Mademoiselle W , where we found Mr. O seated at his ease in a fauteuil, his feet reposing on the white-bear rug.

Captain Bream rose with such energy that he unintentionally spurned his chair his own solid peculiar chair and caused it to pirouette on one leg before tumbling backward with a crash. Next minute he returned enveloped from head to foot in what might be termed a white-bear ulster, with an enormous hood at the back of his neck.

"`Don't laugh, he said, `your breath is strong. And that was true; besides, I had a bad cold at the time, so I advised him to get off my chin, for if I happened to cough he might fall in and be swallowed before I could prevent it. "`Tell me, said he, with a frown, `do you know White-bear Bay? "`Yes! said I, in a shout that made him stagger.

He had hardened himself against all heaven and earth, and thought, when he thought at all, only of his wrongs: but never of his sins. They passed through a forest, seemingly somewhere near what is Newport Pagnel, named after Ralph, his would-be jailer. Suddenly from the trees dashed out a body of knights, and at their head the white-bear banner, in Ranald of Ramsey's hand.

The banks aggregate a capital of $3,000,000, and the wholesale jobbing trade of the town amounts to $50,000,000 a year. Near St. Paul and Minneapolis are several points of interest Fort Snelling, a fortress occupying a river-bluff a hundred feet high; the falls of Minnehaha, White-bear Lake, and so forth.

Every spring, for perhaps a century, or as long as there has been a nation of red men, an island in the middle of White-bear Lake has been visited by a band of Indians for the purpose of making maple sugar. Tradition says that many springs ago, while upon this island, a young warrior loved and wooed the daughter of his chief, and it is said, also, the maiden loved the warrior.

She took her place beside him, and for the present they were happy; for the Indian has a heart to love, and in this pride he is as noble as in his own freedom, which makes him the child of the forest. As the legend runs, a large white-bear, thinking, perhaps, that polar snows and dismal winter weather extended everywhere, took up his journey southward.

But never did they see coming out of the forest the men who had gone in. A shout from his nephew, Sir Ascelin, made all turn their heads. Behind them, on the open lawn, in the throat between the woods by which they had entered, were some forty knights, galloping toward them. "Ivo?" "No!" almost shrieked the Abbot. "There is the white-bear banner. It is Hereward."

She took her place beside him, and for the present they were happy; for the Indian has a heart to love, and in this pride he is as noble as in his own freedom, which makes him the child of the forest. As the legend runs, a large white-bear, thinking, perhaps, that polar snows and dismal winter weather extended everywhere, took up his journey southward.