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He "caught it" considerably, but not sufficiently to impair his appetite for the dodgers. After all this, he was ready enough for bed when small boy's bedtime came. But as he was nodding before the fire, he heard a word that roused him to a new excitement. "These hyar chips air so wet they won't burn," said his mother. "I'll take my tur-r-key whing an' fan the fire." "Law!" he exclaimed.

"Leave the small ordnance alone yet awhile, and we shall sink her without them." "Whing, whing," went the Spaniard's shot, like so many humming-tops, through the rigging far above their heads; for the ill-constructed ports of those days prevented the guns from hulling an enemy who was to windward, unless close alongside. "Blow, jolly breeze," cried one, "and lay the Don over all thou canst.

The hapless youth, who fancied himself alone upon the mountain tops, roared mere incoherences; and Tom, too angry to listen, and too hurried to punish, tore the revolver out of his grasp; whereon one barrel exploded "I have done it now!" No: the ball had luckily buried itself in the ground. Tom turned, to rush down hill again, and meet the impatient Stangrave. Crack whing g g! "A bullet!" Yes!

"Ma, I jest ask you what you would do now, if you was settin' peaceful in the bunk-house pawin' over your war-bag, lookin' for a clean shirt, and all of a sudden whing! along comes a warsh-basin and takes you right over the ear. Wouldn't you feel like killin' somebody?" "Lookin' for a clean shirt!" whispered Andy to Pete. "Did you git that?" Bill "got" it and flushed amazingly.

He coveted the wing-feathers, not the joint of the fowl. The "whing" of the domestic turkey is used by the mountain women as a fan, and is considered an elegance as well as a comfort. George Birt aped the customs of his elders, regardless of sex, a characteristic of very small boys.

We advanced 24 miles from fort Washington and bult a Small fort which we I thought were long about from thence we advanced along the banks of the Meamme River where the fort was arected 44-1/2 Miles on a Streight Line by the Compass west 1/4 north though farther the way the Road went and bult another fort which we Left on the 23 October and from that time to the 3d Novr Got 31 Miles where we incamped in two Lines about 60 yards apart the Right whing in frunt Commanded by General Butler, the Left in the Rear which I commanded, our piccquets Decovered Some Sculking Indians about Camp in the Night and fired on them.

Then I noticed the whing of bullets, and dust spots knocked up, and felt the same sort of feeling that one has while waiting to start for a race, only with an added chill and thrill. The guns unlimbered, and came into action against the kopje, and we and the limbers trotted about 300 yards back, and are waiting there now. A gunner and a driver slightly wounded, and some horses hit.

"Leave the small ordnance alone yet awhile, and we shall sink her without them." "Whing, whing," went the Spaniard's shot, like so many humming-tops, through the rigging far above their heads; for the ill-constructed ports of those days prevented the guns from hulling an enemy who was to windward, unless close alongside. "Blow, jolly breeze," cried one, "and lay the Don over all thou canst.

And whing! and bing! and Kr-r-r-k! that was the life-boat splintered and torn loose. And sea, and wind, and tide, all working together on old 67, away she went before it.