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"Ye may have regular greenhorn's luck and pick up Flo afore ye cross the boundary, for she's that bold that when she gets lonesome o' stayin' thar she goes wanderin' out o' bounds." "Hev ye any weppin, any shootin'-iron about ye?" asked Tarbox, with a latent suspicion. The young man smiled, and again showed his empty belt. "None!" he said truthfully.

Before I could reply, Captain Jim partly raised himself with a convulsive effort. Wiping away the blood that, oozing from his lips, already showed the desperate character of his internal wound, he said in a husky and hurried voice: "It's all right, boys! It's my fault. It was ME who done it. I went for him in a mean underhanded way jest now, when he hadn't a weppin nor any show to defend himself.

I kalkerlate my grandfather was a fraud, and took me in on that job. I would ha' betted my bottom dollar on the weppin, and now it ain't worth a cent!" There was a pretty good laugh round at "Colonel Crockett's rifle," and what it had brought down, but the American took it all with very good temper.

"There, there, don't 'e cry, don't 'e to cry for a scallawag like that," she said, as the girl buried her face on her shoulder and sobbed as though her heart would break. "There, there," she went on, patting the girl's shoulder, "don't 'e demean yerself weppin' over a miser'ble skunk like that. Kiss yer, did he? Kiss yer! Him! Wal, he won't kiss nobody no more when the folks is put wise.

"Burn the old thing!" said he; "I can't make out what's come over it. My old grandfather's shot scores of deer with the tarnation weppin, and I guess it's jest cranky, that's all. I bet I'll shoot the next fowl that comes across haar, or I'll bust it."