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I doubt if the sitting-room is very warm yet, so I'll put your tray on this table near the fire, and you'll get well-warmed before you go out, and that's the secret of not taking chills, remarked the old woman as she put a plate of crisp bacon on the tray and a hot roll beside it. 'You are a lovely cook, Mrs. Morrison, said Eva. 'When I'm rich I'd like you to live with me.

Don't tell me you 're the man not to see how much a woman prefers to be under the wing of science and literature, in a good-sized, well-warmed room, with a book, instead of making believe, with a red face, over a tart. He received a smart lecture from Beauchamp, and began to think he had enough of canvassing. But he was not suffered to escape.

On the fifteenth of January, 1814, two months and a half after the battle of Hanau, I awoke in a good bed, and at the end of a little, well-warmed room; and gazing at the rafters over my head, then at the little windows, where the frost had spread its silver sheen, I exclaimed: "It is winter!"

Sunshine is indeed a far more expensive luxury on the Riviera than we imagine, seeing that only rooms with a north aspect are cheap, and a sunless room is much more comfortless and unwholesome than a well-warmed one, no matter its aspect, in England. The only cheap commodity, one unfortunately we cannot live upon, is the bouquet.

The other was too deeply engaged in poking and fumbling for farthings in her glove to permit herself to be distracted by anything or anybody. This process was so slow that the shopman came up to me and asked what I wanted. I took a well-warmed farthing from the handful I carried, and laid it on the counter, saying "A flat iron, if you please."

There was a moment's silence before Ivan said, very softly: "Let us go in." The room was small, rather bare, but clean and well-warmed by the huge stove built into the wall, with half of it extending into the room beyond. A second nurse was sitting in a chair beside a small table which held medicines and the night-lamp.

Yet, in this well-warmed quietly glowing room, filled with decorously eating, decorously talking men, he gained insensibly some comfort. This surely was reality; that shadowy business out there only the drear sound of a wind one must and did keep out like the poverty and grime which had no real existence for the secure and prosperous. He drank champagne.

Naked female slaves moved about through the crowd, carrying on their heads well-warmed cloths to throw over their mistresses.

The revolving movement continues as long as the plant continues to grow; but each separate internode, as it becomes old, ceases to move. To ascertain more precisely what amount of movement each internode underwent, I kept a potted plant, during the night and day, in a well-warmed room to which I was confined by illness.

Naked female slaves moved about through the crowd, carrying on their heads well-warmed cloths to throw over their mistresses.