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There are some cases of bi-lateral affections which occasion such pain during weight-bearing that the subject shifts its weight from one affected leg to the other; an example of this condition may be observed in any acute case of gonitis which affects both patellar regions, making it equally painful to bear the weight on either member.

In supporting-leg-lameness, the transientness of the weight-bearing period upon the affected member is the determining factor in the production of lameness. This unequal period of weight-bearing upon the front legs, for instance, causes an acceleration in the advancement of the sound member, in order to relieve the diseased one which is bearing weight.

Then, the disturbance causes less distress; local swelling and evidence of supersensitiveness are not so pronounced and lameness is not intense, though weight-bearing is painful. Prognosis.

Thus it is seen, that when the leg is a weight-bearing member, weight is supported by the bony framework whose constituent parts are joined together by ligaments and tendons and each one of the several bones articulates in such manner that the joint is locked.

One cannot help wondering whether this square solidity was simply a reminiscence or persistence of earlier forms, or a conscious return to the most direct principles of weight-bearing constructions.

About seventy-five percent of cases of lameness affecting the hind leg may be said to arise from disease of the hock. As members of locomotion the legs receive strains of two kinds: those of concussion and weight-bearing and strains of propulsion; the latter are the greater.

We've had enough of musty old problems," for he had been helping Tom in some calculations regarding strength of materials and the weight-bearing power of triangularly constructed girders as compared to the arched variety. "Yes, I guess it will do us good to get out," and the two friends were soon on their way.

In an inflamed condition of the lateral side of the phalanges, unequal weight-bearing such as a rough road surface will, by virtue of the leverage which the solar surface of the foot affords, cause undue strain upon such inflamed parts, and increased lameness is evident.

In making examination of these cases, one can exclude fracture by absence of crepitation and usually, also, swelling is absent in radial paralysis. In a typical case of radial paralysis, the affected leg can sustain its normal share of weight if placed in position, that is, if the carpal joint is extended in such manner that the leg is positioned as in its normal weight-bearing attitude.

Ossification of the cartilages is known by grasping the free borders with the fingers and attempting their flexion; the rigid inflexible ossified cartilage is thus easily recognized. Lameness during weight-bearing occurs in the majority of cases at some time.