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'An then theer's nowt moor as a can remember, an your aunt ull be wearyin; an it's but reet she should know now, at wonst, abeawt t' money a've saved this four year, an t' letter to Mr. Gurney.

They'll look back an' think what a snake 'twas they had 'bout the house, I s'pose. Mother'll whine an' say, 'Ah! 'er was a bitter weed for sartain, an' faither'll thunder till the crocks rattle an' bid none dare foul the air wi' my name no more. But I be wearyin' of 'e wi' my clackin', Jan, dear heart?" "Not so, Joan never think that. I could listen to you till Doomsday.

'Naething very particular; but I am feared that she's wearyin' here, an' that she wants to get away back to Glesca, said Teen, with a slight hesitation, it must be told, since such an insinuation appeared to savour of the deepest ingratitude. 'Oh, do you think so? I thought she was quite happy. She certainly looks much brighter and better, and feels so, I hope.

"Beggin' yer pardon," said Simon, "but this 'ere waccination business is awfully wearyin', and I should like to that is " "The very thing," I replied, anticipating his request. "You shall go with me." Half-an-hour later, we were at Gower Street, making preparations for our journey to Turin Simon calm and collected, I feverish and excited.

"A' wesna sure till last nicht, an' then a' felt it wudna be lang, an' a' took a wearyin' this mornin' tae see ye. "We've been friends sin' we were laddies at the auld school in the firs, an' a' wud like ye tae be wi' me at the end. Ye 'ill stay the nicht, Paitrick, for auld lang syne." "It's maist awfu' tae hear ye speakin' aboot deein', Weelum; a' canna bear it.

The next morning there came a brief, blunt note from Amelia Ellen: "Dear Mis Raclift Ef yore a trainurse why don't yo cum an' take car o' my Mis Brownleigh She aint long fer heer an she's wearyin to see yo She as gotta hev one, a trainurse I mean Yors respectfooly Amelia Ellen Stout."

Ye see yersel that a'll sune be getting ma lang rest, an' a'll no deny that a'm wearyin' for it." As autumn passed into winter, the Glen noticed that the doctor's hair had turned grey, and that his manner had lost all its roughness. A feeling of secret gratitude filled their hearts, and they united in a conspiracy of attention.

But what touched me more than his emaciated appearance was the wonderful expression of emotion which shone from those large eyes as we appeared at the bedside; they looked at Val with the yearning affection that one sees sometimes in a faithful dog. The poor fellow put out his white, wasted hand to Val with evident delight. "Bildy's been wearyin' for ye, Father," said Robina.

Dora ran back to Market Place, filled with a presentiment that she was late, though the hand of the Cathedral clock was still far from three. At the side door stood a woman with a shawl over her head, looking distractedly up the street. 'Oh, Miss Dora! Miss Dora! they've sent. He's gooin gooin quick. An' he keeps wearyin' for "mither an' Miss Dora."

She was beginning to understand fully. "There's mair folk than ah can name that's jist wearyin' to tak the bairn. There's Tom Teeter " "But granny could never give her proper care, auntie, and it wouldn't be right to burden her." "Weel, there's Noah Clegg, an' there's yer ain Mother MacAllister, aye, an' there's Jinit Martin, tae. We've a braw hoose ower by yonder, jist wearyin' to be filled.