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Couldn't have done it better myself! I really couldn't!" "I wonder how our old enemy Delby made out?" asked Mr. Poddington. They heard later that he was driven from giant land, not even being allowed to take a boy as a specimen. He had worked on the "tip" Andy Foger had given Mr. Waydell, but it failed.

I'm sure Waydell will learn that you are acting for me, and so I warn you in time. In fact, he tried to get ahead of me when I sent Jake Poddington out over a year ago, and I always had my suspicions that he had a hand in Jake's disappearance, but maybe I'm wrong. So that's what I mean when I say beware of Wayland Waydell, Tom." "I will!" exclaimed Tom.

I thought I could get away with the pack train, and then it would have been easy to turn the natives any way I wished, after I had found what I'm looking for. But I had to go and carry that gun! I never thought they'd spot it. Well, it's all up now, and if Waydell heard of it he'd want to fire me. But I'll make good yet. I'll have to adopt some other disguise, and see if I can't tag along behind."

"Well, it's up to you. I paid you to get the information and I expect you to do it. Why don't you tackle that old colored man whom, I understand, works for him? He ought to be simple enough to give the game away." "Eradicate? I will! I never thought of that I'll get that information for you, Mr. Waydell, in a few days." "You'd better, if you want to keep that money."

She had hurried to the door, and, as she entered she announced: "Mr. Preston!" "Yes, it is I!" added the circus man following her quickly into the room. "I came on to-night instead of waiting for the morning, Tom. I have bad news for you!" "Bad news!" gasped the young inventor. "Has Waydell got hold of your plans." "I'll wager it has something to do with Andy Foger!" exclaimed Ned.

"Well, it all depends. We've had several fights on other expeditions, though I can't say that I like 'em," replied the young inventor. "Why do you ask?" "Because you may have one or several," was the answer of the circus man. "You'll have to beware of my rival." "Your rival?" "Yes, the bitterest foe I have is a rival circus man named Wayland Waydell.

"The natives are fairly friendly, and with a well-organized party, and plenty of money, which I shall see that you have, you ought to get along swimmingly. Only one thing bothers me." "What's that?" asked Tom quickly. "That's my rival, Waydell. He's sure to make trouble if he gets on your trail." "Have you heard from him?" "No, and that's what makes me all the more suspicious.

I'll feel easier about you now, Tom, when I know you have some electric rifles with you." The circus man was told of what Eradicate had said to Andy, but he was of the opinion that no harm would result from it. "As far as I can learn," went on Mr. Preston, "my old rival Waydell has given up the giant idea.

"Well, what do you want?" asked Tom, when, his rival had come within speaking distance. "There's no use beating about the bush with you, Tom Swift," was the frank answer. "I may as well out with it. I came after a giant, and I'm going to get one for Mr. Waydell." "Then you took advantage of our trail, and followed us?" asked the young inventor.

"He didn't succeed in beating me when poor Jake was after them, for the simple reason that it was a snap case, and even I didn't know that Poddington was trying for the giants until he had started. But Waydell was soon after him, and he knows that when I once set out for a freak or a certain kind of animal I keep on until I get it.