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A good many million bushels, that. We are creeping up, Harrison creeping up." Mr. Harrison bowed in recognition of his master's words of commendation. He was a worn-looking, negative person, with a waxlike complexion, a furtive manner, and a marvellous head for the figures with which he juggled. "The totals are enormous, sir," he admitted, "and you may take it that they are absolutely correct.

The ghastly dreams of Orestes perished with the light; phosphorus is yellowish and waxlike by day. So Sara Juke found new courage with the day, and in the subbasement of the Titanic store the morning following her laughter was ready enough.

She decided that Arthur's failure and his lightness of manner in face of it were the chief trouble this until Hiram's shoulders began to stoop and hollows to appear in his cheeks and under his ears, and a waxlike pallor to overspread his face. Then she knew that he was not well physically; and, being a practical woman, she dismissed the mental causes of the change.

There is the region, the heart, of Avarice, systematized, spreading, rotting, the very fungus and leprosy of social states; suspicion, craft, hypocrisy, servility to the great, oppression to the low, the waxlike mimicry of courtly vices, the hardness of flint to humble woes; thought, feeling, the faculties and impulses of man, all ulcered into one great canker, Gain, these make the general character of the middling class, the unleavened mass of that mediocrity which it has been the wisdom of the shallow to applaud.

He felt that behind that smooth brow, which looked waxlike now, the mind was still alert, scheming, plotting, striving for freedom, for conquest and for power, and rendered even doubly keen and virile by the ardour of supreme self-sacrifice. Chauvelin now made a slight movement and suddenly Blakeney became conscious of his presence, and swift as a flash a smile lit up his wan face.

When he looked again the face seemed to have changed. It was no longer a waxlike mask, but Henrietta, girlish and pathetically at rest. Death seemed to have cancelled her marriage and womanhood; he had never seen her look so young. A minute passed, and then a tear dropped on the coverlet. He started; shook another tear on his hand, and stared at it incredulously.

"No, not for the corbeaux," said the chauffeur, shaking his head and looking fairly puzzled, as he explained with some elaboration that this was a parasitic plant which drew its nourishment from various trees, and that later in the season white, waxlike berries would appear upon it.

"I haf seen the young Fräulein before," he said, indicating the younger with his fat hand. The dark, round eyes gazed at him expressionless. His spectacles returned the gaze and twinkled. "She has come into the reception-room while you were explaining about the voice of Fräulein Marie," he said, with a glance at the other sister. The waxlike faces shook a little. The lady regarded them severely.

The ghastly dreams of Orestes perished with the light; phosphorus is yellowish and waxlike by day. So Sara Juke found new courage with the day, and in the subbasement of the Titanic Store, the morning following, her laughter was ready enough.

Beneath the grandstand, Gresham caught up with a thin-faced and sandy-haired man whose colorless eyebrows and almost colorless eyes gave his waxlike countenance a peculiarly blank expression much as if one had drawn a face and had forgotten to mark in the features. The man started nervously as Gresham touched him on the shoulder, and his thin lips parted in a frightened snarl.