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"Here, Grizzie!" said Cosmo; "here's the auchteen pence ye gae me for expences: say ye're pleased I haena waured it. Jist a word wi' ye, Grizzie! Luik here only dinna tell!" He had drawn her aside to the corner where stood the meal-chest, and now showed her a bunch of banknotes. So many she had never seen not to say in a bunch, but scattered over all her life!

Lovel, as I said before was like to be waured afore the Session for want of a paper Monkbarns there kens weel what paper it was, but I'se warrant he'll no help me out wi' my tale but it was a paper of great significance to the plea, and we were to be waured for want o't.

Lovel, as I said before was like to be waured afore the Session for want of a paper Monkbarns there kens weel what paper it was, but I'se warrant he'll no help me out wi' my tale but it was a paper of great significance to the plea, and we were to be waured for want o't.

"Gin I hadna jist gotten a glimp o' him in time, he wad hae drooned the bonny infant afore my verra een. It's weel waured on them!" It did not occur to her that a wet skin was so very moderate a punishment for child-murder, that possibly there had been no connection between them.

Halfpenny, grumbling that 'A' the bonnie napery that she had packed and carried sae mony miles by sea and land should be waured on a wheen silly feckless taupies that 'tis the leddies' wull to cocker up till not a lass of 'em will do a stroke of wark, nor gie a ceevil answer to her elders. Mysie, with a bundle of damask cloths under her arm, paused to repeat, 'Are you not coming Dolly?