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Breath o' God, oh! come an' blaw Frae my hert ilk fog awa'; Wauk me up, an' mak me strang, Fill my hert wi' mony a sang, Frae my lips again to stert, Fillin' sails o' mony a hert, Blawin' them ower seas dividin' To the only place to bide in. "Eh, Mr. Warlock! is that you singin' o' the Sawbath day?" said the voice of a young woman behind him, in a tone of gentle raillery rather than expostulation.

Do ye think He canna see whan his een are steekit. Gin the watter meddle wi' you, He'll sune lat it ken it's i' the wrang. Ye'll see 't cowerin' at 's feet like a colley-dog. I'll jist dight the weet aff o' my Lord's face. Weel, wauk him gin ye will. I wad raither gang to the boddom mysel'." A pause followed.

But I could say nothing, of course, and he rode away with the understanding that he was to return the following day. Faye assured me that it would be amusing to watch them, and be a break in the monotony here. They appeared promptly, and I became interested in Wauk at once, for she was a remarkable squaw.

Wauk drank almost all of it, Powder-Face seeming to derive more pleasure in seeing her drink his portion than in drinking it himself. Consequently, when she went out to mount her horse her steps were a little unsteady, over which the chief laughed heartily. It was with the greatest relief I saw them ride away.

But the fowk here likes the cry o' 't well eneuch, an' hae 't to wauk them ilka mornin'. Yon was my gran'father ye heard afore I fired the gun. Yon was his pipes waukin' them, honest fowk." "And what made you fire the gun in that reckless way? Don't you know it is very dangerous?" "Dangerous mem my leddy, I mean! There was naething intill 't but a pennyworth o' blastin' pooder.

Wauk up, Lizzy," she went on, in her eagerness waiting for no answer: "Ma'colm's gauin' to tell 's the tale o' the auld castel o' Colonsay. It's oot by yon'er, my leddy no that far frae the Deid Heid. Wauk up, Lizzy." "I'm no sleepin', Annie," said Lizzy, "though, like Ma'colm's auld man," she added with a sigh, "I wad whiles fain be."

"Say ye sae, laird?" returned Grizzie with perfect calmness. "Oh, sirs!" Not a single remark did she then offer. If she was cool, she was not irreverent before the thought of the awful thing that lay waiting her. "Ye winna wauk the hoose, will ye, sir?" she added presently. "I dinna think it wad be ony service to died or livin'."

"Are you Mr Cupples?" she said. The man started, and answered, "Yes, my lass. And wha are ye?" "I'm Annie Anderson. Alec's some disturbit wi' your singin'. Ye'll wauk him up, and he'll be a hantle the waur o' 't." "I winna sing anither stave. It was lanesome stan'in' upo' the ootside here, as gin I war ane o' the foolish virgins." "Eh! wadna that be dreidfu'?" responded Annie simply.

But the last time ye left me upo' this same stule, it was wi' that cry o' the Apostle o' the Gentiles i' my lug 'Wauk up, thoo that sleepest! For even the deid wauk whan the trumpet blatters i' their lug!" "It seems to me that there the Apostle makes allusion to the condition of the Gentile nations, asleep in their sins!

We had it all put in a paper and other things added, which made Wauk almost bob off her chair in her delight at having such a feast for her little chief. But the condition of my tablecloth made me want to bob up and down for other feelings than delight!