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During this wretched year of stifled unhappiness, she not only studied with extreme concentration, but, with a healthy instinct, spent a great deal of time in the gymnasium. It was a delight to her to be able to swim in the winter-time, she organized the first water-polo team among the co-eds, and she began to learn fencing from the Commandant of the University Battalion.

The two walked down Broadway toward the elevated road, Rex's dark eyes gathering amusement here and there in the crowded way as they went. "Look at Billy Strong why there's Billy Strong across the street. Come over and I'll present you, Carty. Just the chap you want to meet. He's a great athlete on the water-polo team of the New York Athletic Club, you know as much of an old sport as you are."

Placing before his assembled squad the possible formations, he made players selected at random explain the duties of every position in each formation. By this system he obliged every player to use his brains, and he found out the amount of water-polo intelligence that each possest.

Taking the water-polo ball next, pass it to given points of the tank to secure accuracy, and sprint after it each time. Then get against the side of the tank, and placing the ball ten or twelve feet away, try to secure it with one hand on a push-off. This, done half a dozen times daily, will insure accurate passing, catching and obviate fumbling.

Water-polo holds are a good deal a matter of individuality; each man builds up a set of his own, but one tackle and one break will serve as a foundation for all. To learn the tackle, give your coworker the ball and let him come toward you.

By this means everybody in the party was soon warmed up, and then in groups they scattered to amuse themselves. There was a great hall for indoor tennis, and there were half a dozen squash-courts. Montague knew neither of these games, but he was interested in watching the water-polo in the swimming-tank, and in studying the appointments of this part of the building.

"Are you trying to drown me, sir?" barked the professor. "My dear old horse," said Ukridge complainingly, "it's a little hard. You might look where you're going." "You grappled with me!" "You took me by surprise, laddie. Rid yourself of the impression that you're playing water-polo." "But, professor," I said, joining the group and treading water, "one moment." I was growing annoyed with the man.

The girls took their places, and began to clap in impatient fashion, speculating vaguely among themselves. "What's going to happen now? Why do we face this way where we can't see anything except the lake? There's the landing place opposite perhaps they are going to play water-polo? It wouldn't be bad fun in this weather." "I think some one should have been here to receive us.

If you felt particularly energetic a pair of ancient drill shorts rolled up and tied with a piece of a head-rope made quite an adequate ball for water-polo, until it became water-logged and sank to the bottom; then you had to fish it out and spread it on the sands until it was dry enough to resume duty. A few units used footballs for water-polo, but this was mere luxury.

If he liked, he could go to church on Friday morning; hunt otters from twelve to one on Saturday; toboggan or dig for badgers on Monday. He had the different suits necessary for those who attend a water-polo meeting, who play chess, or who go out after moths with a pot of treacle. And even, in the last resort, he could go to bed. Yes, he was all right.