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The noise which Pierre had heard had been occasioned by Madame de Jonquiere, who whilst cleansing a basin had dropped the large zinc water-can. And, despite their torment, this had made the patients laugh, like the simple souls they were, rendered puerile by suffering.

She knew that she was looking pretty, and she felt that her employment was picturesque. As she stood over the breadths of damask, with the water-can making mimic rain upon them, she was well aware that all her surroundings added charm to her charm.

A servant pours from a pitcher into your hands, and if you are skillful you catch enough water to moisten your face. Frequently the peasants have a water-can attached to the wall of the house in some out-of-the-way locality. The can has a valve in the bottom opened from below like a trapdoor in a roof.

"Wait a moment," resumed Sister Hyacinthe; "you have the water-can between your legs it is in your way." "No, no, it isn't, I assure you. Let it be. It must always be somewhere." Then they both set their house in order as they expressed it, so that for a day and a night they might live with their patients as comfortably as possible.

You fill dat pail double-quick, or, golly, you catch it!" A threat! Lilian listens to it, and obeys! "I am coming, Aunt Lucy!" replied the girl, in a trembling voice, at the same time hastening to fill the water-can. I was in hopes that this conciliatory answer would send the mulatta back into the corral.

"Wait a moment," resumed Sister Hyacinthe; "you have the water-can between your legs it is in your way." "No, no, it isn't, I assure you. Let it be. It must always be somewhere." Then they both set their house in order as they expressed it, so that for a day and a night they might live with their patients as comfortably as possible.

He arranged them as well as he could, and slipped out of the house unnoticed. When he reached the outskirts of the village he saw that the inhabitants, both men and women, were working in the fields some distance away. Coming towards the village was a girl with a water-can in either hand.

In the night I was awakened by the noise and the violent rolling of the ship. The mizen-mast strained and creaked; chairs had broken loose in the saloon; crockery was knocking about and smashing up in the steward's pantry. In the cabin adjoining, the water-can and bath were rambling up and down; and in the midst of all the hubbub the Major could be heard shouting, "Two to one on the water-can!"

Thanks to these new arrangements, they were better able to breathe, and perhaps they might manage to sleep a little. The last verse of the "Magnificat" having been sung, the ladies finished installing themselves as comfortably as possible by setting their little household in order. One of the most important matters was to put the zinc water-can, which interfered with their legs, out of the way.

As Wrench uttered a grunt and proceeded to fill the water-can he had brought and a couple of jugs, he turned slightly and saw that the shadow cast into the cool, moist-smelling interior was that of the two boys. "Morning, gentlemen," he said. "What do you think of this for weather?" "Lovely," cried Glyn. "Why, Wrench, you beat the blackbirds." "Oh, nonsense, sir!