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Well might their hearts sing with joy, for they believed that God, the Supreme, the Eternal, the Beloved, had spoken to them through human lips, had called them to be His servants and friends, had come to establish His Kingdom upon earth and to bring the priceless boon of Peace to a warworn, strife-stricken world. Such was the faith inspired by Bahá’u’lláh.

I at once spurred alongside Raffles, as he rode, bronzed and bearded, with warworn wide-awake over eyes grown keen as a hawk's, and a cutty-pipe sticking straight out from his front teeth. I can see him now, so gaunt and grim and debonair, yet already with much of the nonsense gone out of him, though I thought he only smiled on my misgivings. "Did he get the instructions, Bunny, or did we?

The warworn aspect and indifferent equipment of the "dirty darlings," as more than one fair Marylander spoke of Jackson's finest soldiers, failed to inspire confidence, and it was soon evident that the western counties of Maryland had small sympathy with the South. There were certainly exceptions to the general absence of cordiality. The troops fared well during their sojourn in Frederick.

How gayly did they dance along the marble floor of the palace, this valiant king, with his upright, martial figure, his warworn visage, and commanding aspect, and the small, round form of Christina, with her rosy face of childish merriment! Her little fingers were clasped in her father’s hand, which had held the leading-staff in many famous victories. His crown and sceptre were her playthings.

You were tattered and half-starved; your forms, were warworn; but you still had faith in Lee, and the great cause which you bore aloft on the points of your bayonets. You did not shrink in the last hour the hour of supreme trial. You meant to follow Lee to the last. If you ever doubted the result, you had resolved, at least, on one thing to clutch the musket, to the end, and die in harness!

"C'en est fini," Livingstone said to De Rosny, who stood by shuddering in horror, not at the death, but at the treachery which had preceded it. None but a Frenchman could have given such an accent to the low, hissing reply, "Je l'espére." Then they looked to Mohun's wound; it was nothing serious: there were a dozen deeper on the warworn body and limbs.

"To be your representative in this fortress, is the proudest station this warworn frame hath ever filled. My son must be my representative with you in the field."

So when the Red Cross nurse came with her tiny charge and told them how Mademoiselle Millerand had not been able to resist taking their offer seriously since it meant help and perhaps life itself for this little warworn child, they were thoroughly surprised. Their surprise, however, did not prevent them from rising to meet the situation.

At the second meeting they were stained and warworn, and their horses limped with drooping heads, and they rode as men who have seen many comrades fall and have been familiar with the ways of death. They were fine to see again, those dirty, tired, grim-faced men. But it was a different kind of beauty which sent a queer thrill through me as I watched them pass.

Presently, espying Godby where divers of his fellows rove new tackle to a gun, I enquired for Adam. "I' the gun room, Mart'n nay, I'll stand along wi' you." So he brought me down to the gun room where sat Adam, elbows on table, chin on hand, peering up at one who stood before him in fetters, a haggard, warworn figure. "What Resolution?" said I.