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For a moment or two Norris puffed at his pipe, then he asked slowly "Who with?" "Mr. Barrington," the boy told him, and added, "It is his wagon-track which we have been following." Norris rose from the ground, and walked straight ahead for the distance of a hundred yards until he reached a jasmine bush, which stood in a bee-line with the opening of his camp fence.

But instead of this he sped more swiftly ahead, and they came into the nigger-head bottom which lay in a narrow barrier between them and the range. Through this ran a trail scarcely wider than a wagon-track, made through the sea of hummocks and sedge-boles and mucky pitfalls by the axes and shovels of his people; finding this, Alan stopped for a moment, knowing that safety lay ahead of them.

And in the chilly mornings men going to their work came on the bodies of his victims in the soft red dust of path or wagon-track, or stumbled over them in the chaparral. And now fear began to seize the survivors of that lynching party.

Afternoon was waning and the first long shadows of early evening were beginning to steal across the plain from the base of the mountains when Uncle Billy rode his jaded pony down the faint wagon-track toward the ranch-house. He was weary from the saddle, for he had come a long distance that day so long a distance that the horse was unfit for much more travel.

Well, they may call him what they will he've several acres of heth-ground broke up here, besides the public house, and the heth-croppers, and his manners be quite like a gentleman's. And what's done cannot be undone." "It cannot," said Mrs. Yeobright. "See, here's the wagon-track at last. Now we shall get along better."

Yet, a few minutes later, Graham and Connell, dismounting there the better to scour the country with their glasses, were seen by the main body to spring to their feet and then to saddle, Graham facing toward them and with his hat signalling, "Change direction half left," whereat Sergeant Drum, riding steadily along perhaps four hundred yards behind his young commander, simply turned his horse's head in the direction indicated, left the wagon-track, and silently his comrades followed.

They reached a place where the road ran between rocky banks, a place where there was no going save by the wagon-track. Felix slipped his arm around his wife and kissed her. It was perhaps the first time he had done it in years; one can easily believe that. He kissed the children. "Whip 'em up," he bade the woman. "I'll hold the road for you."

My black cobs now declined to stand any longer. "'Drive them down into the valley. There must be a road to that house, said Anita. "I drove on for a short distance, and soon came to a wagon-track which descended to the little house. 'Anita, said I, 'I cannot go down that road; it is too rough and rocky, and we should break something. But why do you want to go down there, anyhow?

"'This yere is the only wagon-track out; says Dave to me, after we pow-wows an hour. 'You go down to them Injuns, an' find the right buck that a-way, an' tell him the squaw's got a buck now. Tell him he's barred. Which at this p'int in your revelations he's due to offer a fight, an' of course you takes him. Tell him at first-drink time to-morrow mornin' he finds me ready to fight for the squaw.

"We hadn't gone more than four miles before we saw in the trail the deep cut of a wagon-track that struck in from a side-trail that led to an eastern lumber-town. "'Huh! Must be pretty heavy pulling for the horses, said Dean, knowing that it would take a heavy load to make the wheels sink down so far in the soft soil. "'Were they here yesterday, when you came by? I asked.