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Topinard came in. "Three porters are bringing up the whole bag of tricks," he said. "Oh! Here are two hundred vrancs to bay for eferydings..." said Schmucke. "But, mein friend, your Montame Dobinard is ver' nice; you shall marry her, is it not so?

Topinard came in. "Three porters are bringing up the whole bag of tricks," he said. "Oh! Here are two hundred vrancs to bay for eferydings . . ." said Schmucke. "But, mein friend, your Montame Dobinard is ver' nice; you shall marry her, is it not so?

Dat mann mit die liddle taughter is Dobinard, vat tidies der orchestra and lights die lamps. Bons vas fery fond of him, und helped him. He vas der only von dat accombanied mein only friend to die church und to die grafe.... I vant dree tausend vrancs for him, und dree tausend for die liddle von " "Poor fellow!" said Gaudissart to himself.

I would not believe that a woman who served us faithfully for years could be so wicked. That doubt has been my ruin.... How much did the eight pictures fetch?" "Vife tausend vrancs." "Good heavens! they were worth twenty times as much!" cried Pons; "the gems of the collection!

I would not believe that a woman who served us faithfully for years could be so wicked. That doubt has been my ruin. . . . How much did the eight pictures fetch?" "Vife tausend vrancs." "Good heavens! they were worth twenty times as much!" cried Pons; "the gems of the collection!

I shall pay ver' vell; I haf nine hundert vrancs of inkomm, und I haf not ver' long ter lif. . . . I shall gif no drouble vatefer. . . . I can eat onydings I only vant to shmoke mein bipe. Und you are der only von dat haf shed a tear for Bons, mit me; und so, I lof you." "I should be very glad, sir; but, to begin with, M. Gaudissart has given me a proper wigging " "Vigging?"

Dat mann mit die liddle taughter is Dobinard, vat tidies der orchestra and lights die lamps. Bons vas fery fond of him, und helped him. He vas der only von dat accombanied mein only friend to die church und to die grafe. . . . I vant dree tausend vrancs for him, und dree tausend for die liddle von " "Poor fellow!" said Gaudissart to himself.

"Yes, sir." "Are you villing to take me for ein poarder? Oh! I shall pay ver' vell; I haf nine hundert vrancs of inkomm, und I haf not ver' long ter lif.... I shall gif no drouble vatefer.... I can eat onydings I only vant to shmoke mein bipe. Und you are der only von dat haf shed a tear for Bons, mit me; und so, I lof you."