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"'Hoc nemus umbriferum pingit viridissima Rutae Silvula coeruleae, foliis quae praedita parvis, Umbellas jaculata brevis, spiramina venti Et radios Phoebi caules transmittit ad imos, Attactuque graves leni dispergit odores, Haec cum multiplici vigeat virtute medelae, Dicitur occultis apprime obstare venenis, Toxicaque invasis incommoda pellere fibris. "Now, can anything be more charming?

I observed the same rudimentary structure on the under side of the right wing-cover in Phasgonura viridissima.

In our British Phasgonura viridissima it appeared to me that the serrated nervure is rubbed against the rounded hind-corner of the opposite wing, the edge of which is thickened, coloured brown, and very sharp. In the right wing, but not in the left, there is a little plate, as transparent as talc, surrounded by nervures, and called the speculum.

Phacochoerus aethiopicus, tusks and pads of. Phalanger, Vulpine, black varieties of the. Phalaropus fulicarius. Phalaropus hyperboreus. Phanaeus. Phanaeus carnifex, variation of the horns of the male. Phanaeus faunus, sexual differences of. Phanaeus lancifer. Phaseolarctus cinereus, taste for rum and tobacco. Phasgonura viridissima, stridulation of. Phasianus Soemmerringii. Phasianus versicolor.

There are several forms of this pretty shrub, but as they do not differ to any great extent from the species, are hardly worthy of consideration. F. suspensa intermedia is a garden hybrid, 1891. F. VIRIDISSIMA. Japan, 1845. This is another desirable species, but it is not comparable in point of beauty with the former.