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I'll feel like it is a comfort for my old age she just laid by for me. I've got a little lace collar Ma's mother wore when she come over from Virginy, and it's in the very style now, so we're going to bleach it out to give to Rose Mary. Come on up to the house with me and see it and set with Sister Viney a spell, can't you?

"Now yer speaking the truth, pardner," drawled Long Tom as he ejected from his mouth a generous quantity of tobacco juice. "My father fit in the Revolutionary War for liberty 'way down in ole Virginy, and I'll never submit to have my right to make home-distilled whisky taken away." "Always stick to that and you'uns will be a man, even if you'uns die with yer boots on."

"O carry me back to old Virginy, To old Virginy's shore," was the refrain of a song that was very popular in those days, and which was much affected by what were called "negro minstrels."

Harkee, Philip-o; tell the gentleman, in an undertone, like, about the three kegs of tobacco we got out of the Virginy ship the day we made the north end of Corsica, and perhaps that will satisfy him we are not his enemies. There is no use in bawling it out so that the woman can hear what you say, or the men who are drinking in the other room."

"Nobody but you can ever sing 'Carry Me Back to Old Virginy' for me." "Then I shall sing it, Don." "Thank you, Nan." She completed the anointing of his battle-scarred knuckles with iodine, and, for a moment, she held his hand, examining critically an old ragged white scar on the index-finger of his right hand.

And there is none of it that has ever had a deed writ aginst it since that first Alloway got it in a grant from Virginy. There is meadow land and corn hillside, creeks for stock and woodlands for shelter, and the Alloways before me have fenced it solid and tended it honest, with return enrichment for every crop.

Whar is he?" Ben lifted his eyes to the ceiling and spoke in a solemn tone: "Up dar in his room all night trampin' back an' forth lak er lion in de cage, waitin' fur Marse Stuart ter fetch de news fum Richmond 'bout secessun " "Secessun?" Ben nodded and raised his eyes in a dreamy look. "Some say Ole Virginy gwine ter stay in de Union. Some say she's a gwine ter secede.

Long ago, in my own childhood days, our "old Virginy" cook used to say to me: "La, chile, dey's a heap sight mo' flies ketched wid 'lasses dan vingegar," and I have come to the conclusion that she had truth on her side. The girls were by no means saints.

"I tells him dat Marse Robert's mother wuz a Carter. I tells him dat he could count more dan one hundred gemmen his kin. Dat his folks allus had been de very fust fambly in Virginy. I tells him dat he marry my Missis, de gran' daughter o' ole Gineral Washington his-salf an' en " He paused. "An' den, what ye reckon dat fool nigger say ter me?" "Couldn't guess."

Now you fellers want to understand I'll kill the man that sets out to fool with my girl, I tell you that!" While yet Lee Virginia was wondering how to begin the day's work, some one knocked on her door, and in answer to her invitation a woman stepped in a thin blond hag with a weak smile and watery blue eyes. "Is this little Lee Virginy?" she asked. The girl rose. "Yes." "Well, howdy!"