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"We did not expect you nearly so soon," said Nigel, as they heartily shook hands. "It vas because zee vind freshen soon after ve set sail ant, zen, ve made a straight line for zis port, w'ereas you possibly crossed over, ant zen push down zee coast." "Exactly so, and that accounts for your overtaking us," said the hermit. "Is that the lad Baso I see down there with the crew of the prahu?" "It is.

Oh, you dear, stuck-up, crazy blockhead!" "You can take dose nippers off," said Kohen to the detective. "Before I leaf de station de report come in dat de lady vind her saples hanging in her wardrobe. Young man, I excuse you dat punch in my vace dis von time." Ransom handed Molly her furs. Her eyes were smiling upon the Kid.

"Vengeance is but de breath of de vind; it blow for you one day, it blow against you de next; de only real good is monish." The Seraph had ridden back from Iffesheim to the Bad in company with some Austrian officers, and one or two of his own comrades.

"Tit you effer vind a nokket?" inquired the inarticulate German, eagerly. "No. I have been most kinds of fool in my time," returned Loudon, "but not the gold-digging variety. Every man has a sane spot somewhere." "Well, then," suggested some one, "did you ever smuggle opium?" "Yes, I did," said Loudon. "Was there money in that?" "All the way," responded Loudon.

I cen't vind any subber. We got noddings to eat, noddings, noddings." "When do we have those bread'n milk again, Mammy?" "To-morrow soon py-and-py, Hilda. I doand know what pecome oaf us now, what pecome oaf my leedle babby." She went on, holding Hilda against her shoulder with one arm as best she might, one hand steadying herself against the fence railings along the sidewalk.

Bill, mum, wos the hostler as had charge o' them two vell-known piebald leaders that run in the Bristol fast coach, and vould never go to no other tune but a sutherly vind and a cloudy sky, which wos consekvently played incessant, by the guard, wenever they wos on duty.

He turned in the opposite direction, where the flames and smoke were less marked, but still dangerously in evidence. "Und dere, too," the German murmured. "Der vind dere, too, is driving dem on driving dem on! I don't understand it. Dere must be a vacuum caused by der two fires." "Well, what's to be done?" asked Mr. Towne, who formed one of the fleeing party.

"Oh, werry well uncommon, I may say a thoroughbred, bang tail down to the hocks, by Phantom, out of Baron Munchausen's dam gave a hatful of money for him at Tatts'. five fives a deal of tin as times go. But he's a perfect 'oss, I assure you bright bay with four black legs, and never a white hair upon him. He's touched in the vind, but that's nothing I'm not a fox-hunter, you know, Mr.

My God, leddy, tell me vhat I can do! He most trown himself an' freeze to death to safe me dat time an' I got sit still like a big tam fool an' him goin' under vidout a hand to pull him out. All de blood in my body, every drop, I gif to safe him. Don't you beliefe? I remember vhen de vaves and de vind pring dot canoe ashore. Ve lose not a ting because eferyting is lashed tight.

"Vich I am vun, sir, as don't novise expect nothin', consequent am never novise disapp'inted," says Mottle-face with a solemn nod; "but, vind an' veather permittin', ve shall be at the 'George' o' South'ark at five, or thereabouts!" "Ha!" says the fussy gentleman, "and what about my valise? is it safe?" "Safe, ah! safe as the Bank o' England, unless ve should 'appen to be stopped "