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"So he is, den! and he knows it himse'f, too! Yes, you is, you grand vilyun! Ah, ha! 'member how you stood dere cussin' and swearin' and callin' names, and sassin' at me, hard as ebber you could! Oh, ho! I telled you den how it was goin' to be! You didn't beliebe me, didn't you? Berry well, den! Now you see! now it's my turn!" "Katie, be silent!" ordered Judge Merlin in a low tone.

Did you say 'Go off, you triflin' vilyun'? "Not a bit of it. You quarreled; an' Slap-back kep' gittin' bigger and stronger and stiffer in the backbone while you was goin' it, an' at last up comes this little hand of Emilie's. Whack! That was the time Slap-back couldn't hold in, an' she jest laughed an' laughed over yo' shoulder. Ah, the little red eyes she had, and the wiry hair!

There never was sich a misfortunate nose on anybody's face a-squoking out dat way in onseasonable hours!" cried Katie. "How dare you be caught eavesdropping in these rooms, you wretch?" demanded the viscount, giving her another shake. "And why wouldn't I, you grand vilyun? And you her a-plotting of your deblish plots agin my own dear babyship I mean my ladyship, as is like my own dear baby!

With skeptical smile the magistrate looks at that felonious, would-be kidnaper of a juvenile innocent, and asks for the boy. Michael explains little Jack's sprinting performance, adding: "It was ivident, yer honner, that the skeert child feart that owld vilyun more than the noime of the law." Just then an officer who had been on duty near the South Ferry stepped forward and cleared the situation.

And 'wretch' yourself! And how dare you lay your hands on me? on me, as has heern enough this precious night to send you down to the bottom of Bottommy Bay, to work in de mud, wid a chain and a weight to your leg, you rascal! and a man with a whip over your head, you vilyun! 'Stead o' standin' dere sassin' at me, you ought to go down on your bare knees, and beg and pray me to spare you!

"Uncle Reuben, you know too little of the circumstances to be able to judge!" "Law, Ishmael, it takes but little knowledge and less judgment to understand, as when a feller fersakes his wife and child for nothink, and leaves 'em to suffer undesarved scandal and cruel want, he must be an unnatural monster and a parjured vilyun!" "Uncle Reuben, you are unjust to my father!

I was mad! And the galoot was so slick about it! Why, he walked up Broadway first as if he had a business appointment in a desprit hurry. Then, having reached Hunderd an' Twenty-fi'th Street, he pauses a minute to be sure I'm trailin', the vilyun and then, he swings East, and across town, and turns South again oh, well, Mr.

But 't ain't gwine ter do you no good. I mout er let you off ef you 'd a-minded me w'en I fus holler atter you, but I ain't gwine ter let you off now. I'm a-gwine ter l'arn you a lesson dat 'll stick by you. "Den de creetur sorter wrinkle up he face en mouf, en Brer Wolf 'low: "'Oh, you nee'n'ter swell up en cry, you 'ceitful vilyun.