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As a general thing, the proprietorship of the soil seems to exist in everybody and nobody; but exclusive rights have been obtained, here and there, chiefly by men whose daily concerns link them with London, so that you find their villas or boxes standing along village-streets which have often more of an American aspect than the elder English settlements. The scene is semi-rural.

"Never have my troops," says Friedrich, "done such miracles of valor, cavalry as well as infantry, since I had the honor to command them. Prussian and Austrian Accounts in Helden-Geschichte, iii. 800 et seq. These Village-streets are too narrow for new battalions from Browne; "much of the Village should have been burnt beforehand," say cool judges.

Two or three of such village-streets as are here described take a collective name, as, for instance, Blackheath Park, and constitute a kind of community of residents, with gate-ways, kept by policemen, and a semi-privacy, stepping beyond which, you find yourself on the breezy heath. The misty atmosphere helps you to fancy a remoteness that perhaps does not quite exist.

Adeline was not afraid of the dark on the road or in the lonely village-streets; but when she rang at the lawyer Putney's door, her heart beat so with fright that it seemed as if it must jump out of her mouth. She came to him because she had always heard that, in spite of his sprees, he was the smartest lawyer in Hatboro'; and she believed that he could protect their rights if any one could.