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Vieussens, the celebrated anatomist, reports an instance in which the liver weighed 20 pounds, and in his "Aphorisms," Vetter cites a similar instance. In 1811 Kraus of Germany describes a liver weighing 25 pounds; modern instances of enlarged liver are too numerous to be quoted here. Rupture of the gall-bladder, although generally followed by death, is not always fatal.

To the typical GermanVetter Michelit is indifferent whether his door-lock will catch, whether his teacup be more or less than an inch thick; whether or not his book have every other leaf unstitched; whether his neighbor’s conversation be more or less of a shout; whether he pronounce b or p, t or d; whether or not his adored one’s teeth be few and far between.

"'Vell, Maircus, I like you and I like your goots, but, ach Himmel! der clooty vetter! And, do you know, I couldn't get the old man to do any business with me because he thought the sun was never going to shine again? I cannot understand just how he argued it with himself, but he was deaf to all of my coaxing.

Wellhouse. 11th Ward George L. Hartnell, John G. Vetter. 12th Ward Benj. R. Beavis, Eugene C. Gaeckley. 13th Ward Major Collins, J. H. Slosson. 14th Ward A. E. Massey, A. A. Jewett, 15th Ward John A. Ensign, C. W. Coates. Trade and Commerce. The commercial history of the early years of Cleveland does not differ from that of most western settlements.

This organ was found in the left lumbar region; it had, with its vessels, traversed an anomalous opening in the diaphragm. Franck observed in the Hospital of Colmar a woman with the heart in the epigastric region. Ramel and Vetter speak of the heart under the diaphragm. Inversion of the heart is quite frequent, and we often find reports of cases of this anomaly.

[Footnote 53: The review is ofAuch Vetter Heinrich hat Launen, von G.

He came out, looked furtively around, and then, giving the proper "registration," he advanced cautiously toward the barn. "Go on now run!" cried Mr. Pertell through his megaphone. The German actor ran. He made a beautiful leap through the window, and the next moment there came from him howls of dismay. "Donner vetter! Ach Himmel! Ach! My face! My hands! Hey, somebody! bring a pail of water!

They should have given them back to me " At this moment the gong awoke the echoes of the interior of the railway station. "Wait! wait! Donner vetter! Can't you wait a few moments for a man who is going round the world in thirty-nine days " "The Grand Transasiatic does not wait," says the interpreter.

Professor Mach quotes somewhere an epigram of Lessing's: Sagt Hanschen Schlau zu Vetter Fritz, "Wie kommt es, Vetter Fritzen, Dass grad' die Reichsten in der Welt, Das meiste Geld besitzen?" Hanschen Schlau here treats the principle 'wealth' as something distinct from the facts denoted by the man's being rich.

Unfortunately, however, grave difficulties are again encountered in this connection. This primitive form is a real bird according to Zittel; and according to the same investigator as also according to Marsh, Dames, Vetter, Parker, Tuerbringen, Parlow and Mehnert, it is inadmissible to connect birds with a definite class of reptiles.