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The "cannon bone" answers to the middle bone of the five metacarpal bones, which support the palm of the hand in ourselves. The "pastern," "coronary," and "coffin" bones of veterinarians answer to the joints of our middle fingers, while the hoof is simply a greatly enlarged and thickened nail.

He has consulted veterinarians and fanciers but until now the sources of his daily bottle of milk or his carton of graded eggs have been matters of indifference. The venture with livestock may begin with chickens and end with saddle horses, but it is nothing for the uninitiate to enter into lightly or unadvisedly.

Vesication of the parts is in order, and this may be repeated in the course of two weeks, if it is deemed necessary. Penetrative wounds resulting in open joint are not treated with success as a rule, and because of the handicap under which veterinarians labor, methods of handling such cases, where large, important articulations are affected, are not being rapidly improved.

"I don't know nothin' about veterinarians and surgeons," growled Pap, still alternately mopping his bald head and shaking it contemptuously; "but I know that Millsaps ain't a-goin' to box up any dead bodies and send 'em to the medical colleges; and I know he made as pretty a job of doctoring old Spotty has ever I seen.

The general treatment is carried out on the same lines as in other acute infective diseases. #Chronic Glanders.# In the horse the chronic form of glanders is known as farcy, and follows infection through an abrasion of the skin, involving chiefly the superficial lymph vessels and glands. The lymphatics become indurated and nodular, constituting what veterinarians call farcy pipes and farcy buds.

Similar variations occur in the pregnancies of all animals, and are, moreover, notably greater among larger animals, since for such animals the period of gestation is relatively long. For instance, the accurate observations of veterinarians indicate that the mean period of pregnancy in the cow is 285 days from the time of conception.

"Where all have you been, Jim, and what have you been doing, since you followed off the 'Veterinarians' Guide, and I lost you?" I inquired at last. "I've been everywhere, and I've done everything, almost," said he. "Put it in the 'negative case, and my history'll be briefer." "I should regard organizing a flambeau brigade," said I, "as about the last thing you would engage in."

Executive level, Kennon thought as he followed the receptionist's directions. No wonder she had looked respectful. But what was he doing here? The employment of a veterinarian wasn't important enough to demand the attention of a senior executive. The personnel section could handle the details of his application as well as not. He shrugged. Perhaps veterinarians were more important on Kardon.

"When will you veterinarians ever learn to be organization men?" Alexander asked. "You're as independent as tomcats." Kennon grinned. "It's a breed characteristic, I guess." Alexander shrugged. "Perhaps you'll change your mind after you've worked for us." "Possibly, but I doubt it." "Tell me that five years from now," Alexander said "Ah here are the contracts."

Those which can live as parasites upon man are, of course, especially related to human disease, and are of particular interest to the physician, while those which live in animals are in a similar way of interest to veterinarians. Thus we see that parasitic bacteria show the widest variations.