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Trial an' verdic'!" Everybody was buying the damp, pink sheets. Rachel actually bought one herself; and overheard the opinion of the man in the street without a pang. So she might think herself lucky!

"I got caught on a jury in a criminal case with him wunst," Silas Boyd, a heavy, thick-set, tall young fellow with a belligerent eye and a portentously square jaw, said sotto voce to his next comrade. "I hev sarved on a jury with him, locked up fur a week 'thout no verdic'. He ain't got no respec' fur no other man's say-so.

"But he couldn't p'ocure a sufficient concawdence o' my fellow-citizens; much less o' they wives naw evm o' mine! No, seh! They brought in they verdic' that jess at this junction it'd be cal'lated to ungendeh strife an' could on'y do hahm." He giggled again. "My politics save me, seh! They always will. An' they ought to; faw they as pyo as the crystial fountain."

"You is sure annoyin'," he said in an aggrieved manner, "askin' me to go on record so plumb sudden. I'm no mind-reader." There was a pause, but the Ranger quietly waited. "It's embarrassin'," said Bob-Cat, "to try an' trot out a verdic' on snap-jedgment. I don't know." Rifle-Eye, quite unperturbed, looked at him steadily and inquiringly. "You know what you think," he said.

Bein' as how any o' us might be in Jim's boots mos' any day, reckon we'll have to turn him loose?" Shang's pathetic appeal for Jim's life clearly won outright more than half the jury, but there were several who, while their sympathies were with Jim, "'lowed they'd have to bring a verdic' accordin' to the evidence."

"Verdic'? Why, fellers," retorted Jim's advocate, "whar's the use of a fool verdic'? 'Sposin' we fellers was goin' to be verdicked? This is a time for us fellers to stan' together, shua'. I'll tell you what le's do; le's all slip off inter th' brush, cotch our hosses an' pull our freight fer home.

An' who ever viewed a jury a-horseback afore? An' thar ain't but seben on 'em!" laboriously counting, "five, six, seben. Thar's twelve men on a sure enough jury! I counted the panel ez hung Ezekiel Tilbuts fur a-murderin' of his wife. I war thar in town whenst they fetched in thar verdic'. I dunno what the kentry be a-comin' ter! Shucks!

You perceive how we have here nothing less than a desk famine. Madelaine! Claude! Sidonie! present copy-book'! Sir, do you not think every chile should be provided a desk? Ah! I knew 'twould be yo' verdic'. But how great trouble I have with that subjec'! Me, I think yes; but the parents," he looked tenderly over among them, "they contend no. Now, sir, here are three copy-books. Inspect; criticise.

I never shall furgit how them men all looked a-viewin' the traveler's body what I fund dead in the road; they looked like jes' so many solemn, peekin', heejus black buzzards crowdin' aroun' the corpse; then a-noddin' an' a-whisperin' tergether, an' a-findin' of a verdic' ez they called it. They fund nuthin' at all. 'T war me ez done the findin'. I fund the man dead in the road.

A cab came tinkling up behind her, and Rachel half thought of hailing it, and driving through the lighted town after all; but the hansom was occupied, and the impulse passed. She put down her veil and turned into the stream without catching a suspicious eye. Why should they suspect her? And again, what did it matter if they did? "Trial an' verdic'! Trial an' verdic'! Acquittal o' Mrs. Minchin!