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In the Marchantia polymorpha some yellow wool proceeds from the flower-bearing anthers, which moves spontaneously in the anther, while it drops its dust like atoms. Murray, Syst. Veg. See note on Collinfonia for other instances of vegetable spontaneity. Corallinus, or lichen rangiferinus. Coral-moss. Clandestine-marriage.

The night was just down on us, when I heard the lilt o' a whistle, clear as a whaup's, and with a great melody. To us there came whistling a kilted lad, his knees red as collops, for he had waded the burn, and the cheeks o' him glowing like wild roses. "Ah-ha, Neil Veg," cries Dan, for he made a work wi' weans always, "is it stravagin' after the lassies ye are this bonny nicht?"

Christian Ann wanted to know if he wasn't "freckened" to be there, "not being used of Kings," whereupon he cried: "What! Frightened of another man and a stunning good one, too!" I suppose I must have laughed at that, for the next I heard was: "Hush! Isn't that Mary!" "Aw, yes, the poor veg veen," said a sad voice. It was Christian Ann's.

There seemed to be a constant fire of free-and-easy flirtation going on between them. At one table a man in a cloth cap was saying to the girl who had served him: "What's the damage, dearie?" "One roast, one veg, two breads 'levenpence, and no liberties, mister."

That, sir, was once a prosperous cit. Man all tattered and torn that married a maiden all forlorn. Slung her hook, she did. Here see lost love. Walking Mackintosh of lonely canyon. Tuck and turn in. Schedule time. Nix for the hornies. Pardon? Seen him today at a runefal? Chum o' yourn passed in his checks? Ludamassy! Pore piccaninnies! Thou'll no be telling me thot, Pold veg!

Vegetable mules supply an irrefragable argument in favour of the sexual system of botany. They are said to be numerous; and, like the mules of the animal kingdom, not always to continue their species by seed. There is an account of a curious mule from the Antirrbinum linaria, Toad-flax, in the Amoenit. Academ. V. I. No. 3. and many hybrid plants described in No. 32. Murray, Syft. Veg.

"Indeed no, it iss not that; it's yourself I'll be after," shrilled the lad, wi' a burning face. "And what for will ye be after me, Neil Veg?" "I will be tellin' you by yourself alone, for my father will be sayin' to me, 'Did you find him, and him alone?