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Mârkaṇḍeya, Vâmana and Varâha. Vanaparvan, 11001 ff. XII. sec. 283. In the same way the worship of Dionysus was once a novelty in Greece and not countenanced by the more conservative and respectable party. See Eur. Bacchae, 45. The Varâha-Purâna relates that the Śivaite scriptures were revealed for the benefit of certain Brahmans whose sins had rendered them incapable of performing Vedic rites.

It has been said that if this cycle of the Neros "were correct to the second, if on the first of January at noon a new moon took place, it would take place again in exactly 600 years at the same moment of the day, and under all the same circumstances." The Varaha Calpa has the famous cycle of 4,320,000,000 years for its duration.

There the illustrious Markandeya, of high ascetic merit sang the praises in verse of king Nriga's line! We have heard respecting the sacrificing king Nriga that which really took place while he was performing a sacrifice in the excellent tirtha called Varaha on the Payoshni. In that sacrifice Indra became intoxicated with quaffing the Soma, and the Brahmanas, with the gifts they received.

The five large hills of Vaihara, Varaha, Vrishava, Rishigiri, and the delightful Chaitya, all of high peaks and overgrown with tall trees of cool shade and connected with one another, seem to be jointly protecting the city of Girivraja. The breasts of the hills are concealed by forests of delightful and fragrant Lodhras having the ends of their branches covered with flowers.

A billion years are but as a day to the Hindu mind. And if any one is anxious to know the exact place at which we have arrived in this chronological maze, the same Purana informs us that we are five thousand years advanced in the Kali yuga of "Varâha karpa," or the first day in the second half of Brahmâ's life.

The five large hills of Vaihara, Varaha, Vrishava, Rishigiri, and the delightful Chaitya, all of high peaks and overgrown with tall trees of cool shade and connected with one another, seem to be jointly protecting the city of Girivraja. The breasts of the hills are concealed by forests of delightful and fragrant Lodhras having the ends of their branches covered with flowers.

And some partook of the nature of Vayu, some of Kumara, some of Brahma, O bull of Bharata's race, and some of Vishnu and some of Surya, and some of Varaha. "Of charming and delightful features, they were beautiful like the Asuras. In voice they resembled the kokila and in prosperity they resembled the Lord of Treasures. In battle, their energy resembled that of Shakra.

Proceeding then to the tirtha of the twin Aswins one obtaineth personal beauty. O virtuous one, one should next proceed to the excellent tirtha called Varaha, where Vishnu formerly stood in the form of a boar. Bathing there one obtaineth, O foremost of men, the merit of the horse-sacrifice. One should next, O king, repair to the tirtha called Sama in Jayanti.

There the illustrious Markandeya, of high ascetic merit sang the praises in verse of king Nriga's line. We have heard respecting the sacrificing king Nriga that which really took place while he was performing a sacrifice in the excellent tirtha called Varaha on the Payoshni. In that sacrifice Indra became intoxicated with quaffing the Soma, and the Brahmanas, with the gifts they received.

Proceeding then to the tirtha of the twin Aswins one obtaineth personal beauty. O virtuous one, one should next proceed to the excellent tirtha called Varaha, where Vishnu formerly stood in the form of a boar. Bathing there one obtaineth, O foremost of men, the merit of the horse-sacrifice. One should next, O king, repair to the tirtha called Sama in Jayanti.