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They installed themselves in the island, and constructed a smaller boat with the debris of the two large ones. Some sailors stayed willingly at Vanikoro; the others, weak and ill, set out with La Perouse. They directed their course towards the Solomon Islands, and there perished, with everything, on the westerly coast of the chief island of the group, between Capes Deception and Satisfaction."

Boys swam off, wishing to come, but the elder people prevented it, swimming after them and dragging them back. It was a very rough, blustering day; but even on such a day the lee side of the island is a beautiful sight, one mass of cocoa- nut trees, and the villages so snugly situated among the trees. 'Just been up the rigging to get a good look at this great encircling reef at Vanikoro.

Dillon, having made all inquiries, stayed in the unlucky place till October. Then he quitted Vanikoro, and directed his course towards New Zealand; put into Calcutta, 7th April, 1828, and returned to France, where he was warmly welcomed by Charles X. But at the same time, without knowing Dillon's movements, Dumont d'Urville had already set out to find the scene of the wreck.

In the East Island, where there would be merely a question of nothing or something, we may take very young men who would perhaps not be easy to keep out of harm at Sugar Loaf, because there will be no difficulty about returning them to their homes.... 'November 11th. That poor man went to make a station at Vanikoro in the usual way, taking three poor New Caledonian women with him.

It will be perceived more clearly by inspecting the following sections which are real ones, taken in north and south lines, through the islands with their barrier-reefs, of Vanikoro, Gambier, and Maurua; and they are laid down, both vertically and horizontally, on the same scale of a quarter of an inch to a mile.

Dillon guessed that he meant La Perouse, whose disappearance had troubled the whole world. He tried to get on to Vanikoro, where, according to the Lascar, he would find numerous debris of the wreck, but winds and tides prevented him. Dillon returned to Calcutta. There he interested the Asiatic Society and the Indian Company in his discovery.

All day long the Indiana, Tom de Wolfs island trading brig, had tried to make Tucopia Island, an isolated spot between Vanikoro and the New Hebrides, but the strong westerly current was too much for her with such a failing breeze; and Packenham, the skipper, had agreed with Denison, his supercargo, to let Tucopia "slide" till the brig was coming south again from the Marshalls.

By chance, or perhaps because he was afraid of being forestalled, the captain had not laid down the position of Vanikoro or the route he followed on the way from Tucopia, which island D'Urville supposed to belong to the Banks or Santa Cruz group, each as little known as the other.

Expedition of Baron de Bougainville Stay at Pondicherry The "White Town" and the "Black Town" "Right-hand" and "Left-hand" Malacca Singapore and its prosperity Stay at Manilla Touron Bay The monkeys and the people The marble rocks of Faifoh Cochin-Chinese diplomacy The Anambas The Sultan of Madura The straits of Madura and Allas Cloates and the Triad Islands Tasmania Botany Bay and New South Wales Santiago and Valparaiso Return viâ Cape Horn Expedition of Dumont d'Urville in the Astrolabe The Peak of Teneriffe Australia Stay at New Zealand Tonga-Tabu Skirmishes New Britain and New Guinea First news of the fate of La Pérouse Vanikoro and its inhabitants Stay at Guam Amboyna and Menado Results of the expedition.

"And I'll be able to visit those famous islands where the Compass and the Astrolabe came to grief?" "If you like, professor." "When will we reach Vanikoro?" "We already have, professor." Followed by Captain Nemo, I climbed onto the platform, and from there my eyes eagerly scanned the horizon.