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Whether this distinction between these "curule houses" and the other families embraced within the patriciate was ever of serious political importance, cannot with certainty be either affirmed or denied; and as little do we know whether at this epoch there really was any considerable number of patrician families that were not yet curule. II. II. The Valerio-Horatian Laws I. XII. Foreign Worships

But it was settled by law that apart from the matters committed once for all to the decision of the centuries, such as the election of consuls and censors voting by districts should be just as valid as voting by centuries: a regulation introduced as regards the patricio-plebeian assembly by the Valerio-Horatian law of 305 and extended by the Publilian law of 415, but enacted as regards the plebeian separate assembly by the Hortensian law about 467.

IV. IX. Pompeius IV. VIII. New Difficulties III. XI. Abolition of the Dictatorship II. I. The Dictator, II. II. The Valerio-Horatian Laws, II. III. Limitation of the Dictatorship IV. VII. Legislation of Sulla This total number is given by Valerius Maximus, ix. 2. 1.

But it was settled by law that apart from the matters committed once for all to the decision of the centuries, such as the election of consuls and censors voting by districts should be just as valid as voting by centuries: a regulation introduced as regards the patricio-plebeian assembly by the Valerio-Horatian law of 305 and extended by the Publilian law of 415, but enacted as regards the plebeian separate assembly by the Hortensian law about 467.

Whether this distinction between these "curule houses" and the other families embraced within the patriciate was ever of serious political importance, cannot with certainty be either affirmed or denied; and as little do we know whether at this epoch there really was any considerable number of patrician families that were not yet curule. II. II. The Valerio-Horatian Laws I. XII. Foreign Worships

IV. IX. Pompeius IV. VIII. New Difficulties III. XI. Abolition of the Dictatorship II. I. The Dictator, II. II. The Valerio-Horatian Laws, II. III. Limitation of the Dictatorship IV. VII. Legislation of Sulla This total number is given by Valerius Maximus, ix. 2. 1.

II. II. The Valerio-Horatian Laws II. III. Equivalence Law and Plebiscitum II. I. Restrictions on the Delegation of Powers II. III. Increasing Powers of the Burgesses

II. II. The Valerio-Horatian Laws II. III. Equivalence Law and Plebiscitum II. I. Restrictions on the Delegation of Powers II. III. Increasing Powers of the Burgesses

If the nobility thereupon succeeded in setting aside the decemvirs, it is certainly conceivable that after their fall the plebs should once more assemble in arms with a view to secure the results both of the earlier revolution of 260 and of the latest movement; and the Valerio-Horatian laws of 305 can only be understood as forming a compromise in this conflict. The Valerio-Horatian Laws

II. VII. Relations between the East and West II. VII. The Roman Fleet II. II. Political Value of the Tribunates, II. II. The Valerio-Horatian Laws I. XIV. Corruption of Language and Writing