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"I mean as it vere 'im as saved me, for v'ot vith the vind, and the rain, and the dark, ve lost our footing and over ve vent into the River together down and down till I thought as ve should never come up again, but ve did, o' course, and then, jest as 'ard as 'e'd struggled to throw 'imself in, 'e fought to get me out, so it vere 'im as really saved me, d'ye see?"

"And you shall find me worthy of your confidence," said Barnabas, "and there's my hand on it, though, indeed, you hardly know me really." "More than you think, sir. Besides, it ain't v'ot a cove tells me about 'imself as matters, nor v'ot other coves tell me about a cove, as matters, it's v'ot a cove carries in 'is face as I goes by, the cock of 'is eye, an' all the rest of it.

'No! sez 'e, and 'ere's me vith vun eye a-going into mourning, and 'im vith a lump on 'is nob like a noo-laid egg!" "'E's game though, Jarsper," said the benevolent giant. "Game! I believe you, Corp!" nodded Mr. Shrig. "Run! I sez. 'No! sez 'e. 'Then v'ot vill you do? sez I. 'Make them! sez 'e. Game? Lord love me, I should say so!" Here, seeing Barnabas sit upright, Mr.

"Ah, a murder, Dick, a murder as ain't been committed yet, a murder as I'm expecting to come off in say a month, from information received this 'ere werry arternoon. A murder, Dick, as is going to be done by a capital cove as I spotted over a month ago. Now v'ot I 'm going to tell you is betwixt us private and confidential and " But here Barnabas pushed back his chair.

"Run! Run!" whispered Mr. Shrig's voice behind him. "Ve can do it now, run!" "No!" panted Barnabas, wiping the blood from his cheek. "Run!" cried Mr. Shrig again, "there's a place I knows on close by ve can reach it in a jiff this vay, run!" "No!" "Not run? then v'ot vill ye do?" "Make them!" "Are ye mad? Ha! look out!"

"Things is werry slack vith me, nothing in the murder line this veek, and only vun sooicide, a couple o' 'ighvay robberies, and a 'sault and battery! You can scrag me if I know v'ot things is coming to. And then, to make it vorse, I 've jest 'ad a loss as vell." "I'm sorry for that, Mr. Shrig, but " "A loss, sir, as I shan't get over in a 'urry.