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"'If thou'd to clim' trees same as I have, answered Melsh Dick, 'thou'd be covered wi' moss too, I'll uphod. "'An' what for doesta wear yon cap o' red fur ?? "'Why sudn't I wear a fur cap, I'd like to know. My mother maks 'em o' squirrel skins, an' they're fearful warm i' winter-time.

"And what of that?" said Sim. "Let them take it better let them have it than Ralph fall into their hands." "Father, poor Mistress Ray would be turned into the roads they'd have no pity, none." "I'll uphod thee that's true," said Sim. "It staggers me." "We must find Ralph, and at once too," said Rotha. "Find him? He's gone, but Heaven knows where."

Yo mun wrastle wi t' sin an gaa saftly by t' sinner." "Sin!" she said scornfully. Daffady was quelled. "I've allus thowt mysen," he said hastily, "as we'd a deal to larn from Romanists i' soom ways. Noo, their noshun o' Purgatory I daurna say a word for 't when t' minister's taakin, for there's noa warrant for 't i' Scriptur, as I can mek oot bit I'll uphod yo, it's juist handy!

"He'll none go for safety, father," answered Robbie; and turning to Liza, he added, "But what was it you said about Mother Garth?" "The old witch-wife said that Ralph was wanted for murder," replied the girl. "It's a lie," said Robbie vehemently. "I'll uphod thee there," said Mattha; "but whatever's to be done?" "Why, Robbie must go and fetch Sim back," said Liza eagerly.