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His kingdom and wealth and spouses and animals were all regarded by him as obtained from Narayana. He, therefore, offered all his possessions to that great deity. Adopting the Sattwata ritual, king Uparichara, with concentrated soul, used to discharge all his sacrificial acts and observances, both optional and obligatory.

The words, Vrihat, Brahma, and Mahat all bear the same sense. The celestial Purohita, O king came to be called Vrihaspati because he was endued with all these attributes. King Uparichara, otherwise called Vasu, became a disciple of Vrihaspati and soon became the foremost of his disciples.

They said, 'O king, these two beings of human shape have been found in the body of a fish! The male child amongst the two was taken by Uparichara. That child afterwards became the virtuous and truthful monarch Matsya. "After the birth of the twins, the Apsara herself became freed from her curse.

At my command, O Garuda, go to that foremost of kings, viz., Uparichara who is now dwelling in a hole of the Earth and incapable of any longer sailing through the sky, and bring him up without delay into the welkin. Hearing these words of Vishnu, Garuda, spreading his wings and rushing with the speed of the wind, entered that hole in the Earth in which king Vasu was living.

Addressing king Uparichara he said, 'Here, I place this as Narayana's share of the sacrificial offerings. Without doubt, he shall take it before my eyes." "'Yudhishthira said, "In the great sacrifice of Uparichara, all the deities appeared in their respective forms for taking their shares of the sacrificial offerings and were seen by all.

At this answer, all the Rishis, endued with the splendour of the Sun, became very angry. From this day, O monarch, thou shalt lose the power of journeying through the sky. Through our curse, thou shalt sink deep below the surface of the Earth. After the Rishis had said these words, king Uparichara immediately fell down, O monarch, and went down a hole in Earth.

In consequence of the promulgation of this treatise of yours, ye will be progenitors of an extensive race. King Uparichara also will become endued with greatness and prosperity. Upon the death, however, of that king, this eternal treatise will disappear from the world.

And as he coursed through the upper regions, he was called Uparichara. And by his capital flowed a river called Suktimati. And that river was once attacked by a life-endued mountain called Kolahala maddened by lust. And Vasu, beholding the foul attempt, struck the mountain with his foot. But the mountain begat on the river two children that were twins.

And as he coursed through the upper regions, he was called Uparichara. And by his capital flowed a river called Suktimati. And that river was once attacked by a life-endued mountain called Kolahala maddened by lust. And Vasu, beholding the foul attempt, struck the mountain with his foot. But the mountain begat on the river two children that were twins.

We, denizens of heaven, should unite together for doing what is good to him in return for that which he has done to us. Having quickly settled this in their minds with the aid of reflection, the deities proceeded to the spot where the king Uparichara was. That great Lord of both the deities and the Asuras, gratified with thee, will rescue thee from the curse that has been denounced upon thee.