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She died," added Hyacinth, as if it was an every-day occurrence that Thomas should be left without a mother, instead of its being a heart-breaking tragedy. A child with no mother, no mother to unwrap the pink bundle, no mother to grieve for the screw, no mother to understand things. Perhaps his mother had been a Diana sort of mother. "Oh, Thomas," I thought, "I must send you back your screw."

For here was his dearest, his most sacred treasure, all that remained to him of the long-worshipped outer world the world of the vague past and of his distant ancestors the world that Stern and Beatrice had really known and seen, yet which to him was only "all a wonder and a wild desire." "Lay the book upon the bench," he ordered. "I will unwrap it!"

And there isn't much work on an airplane," said Joy helping herself to another devilled egg. "Do unwrap that package there," cried Shirley. "Let's see what Auntie Gibbs made for me. Chicken sandwiches, oh boy! And Auntie Gibbs' chicken sandwiches are the best ever, aren't they?" "We ought to know," laughed Bet. "We've eaten about a ton of them. Here Kit, do help yourself. Have another egg."

He is one of the crown jewels." Suddenly, and without reason, she appeared to be bored. As a matter of fact, she hid an incipient yawn behind her small gloved hand. "I think I shall go to my room. Will you kindly unwrap me, Mr. Schmidt?" He promptly obeyed, and then assisted her to her feet, steadying her against the roll of the vessel.

He took it up, peered at the address, then began to finger with and unwrap it. Suddenly he bent over it. What was it! He tore off the shawl, and some brown paper beneath it, lifted the thing upon the table, so that the light of the one candle fell upon it, and held it there. Slowly his face, which had been deeply flushed before, lost all its colour; his jaw dropped a little.

Harriet had a new china doll and Frank a horn and china dog, and all the corners of our stockings were stuffed with nuts and candies. I hope mother got something beside the potatoes and onions which I remember seeing her pull out and unwrap with delightful humor an old and rather pathetic joke but new to us.

Or an egg sauce may be made with drawn butter; stir in the yolk of an egg quickly, and then a teaspoon of chopped parsley. It can be stuffed or not, just as you please. The middle slice of salmon is the best. Sew up neatly in a mosquito-net bag, and boil a quarter of an hour to the pound in hot salted water. When done, unwrap with care, and lay upon a hot dish, taking care not to break it.

Suppose it were smothered! Rilla dared not unwrap it to see, lest the wind, which was now blowing a hurricane, should "take its breath," whatever dreadful thing that might be. She was a thankful girl when at last she reached harbour at Ingleside. Rilla carried the soup tureen to the kitchen, and set it on the table under Susan's eyes.

He opened the final door, went into his apartment, and locked the door behind him, as he had locked the others. Then he turned on the lights, peeled off his raincoat, and plopped himself into a chair to unwrap the microcryotron stack he had picked up at Harry's. Theoretically, Harry wasn't supposed to sell the things.

Jim drew a package from his overcoat pocket and threw it upon the table. "Don't make any mistake, Dell," he said, "about me. I don't think there's anything in the way of a haircut or a shave or a shampoo that could make me like my girl any less. But if you'll unwrap that package you may see why you had me going a while at first." White fingers and nimble tore at the string and paper.