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Pero la ley obliga tanto a la mujer como al hombre; el Código Penal alcanza con su espada las infracciones cometidas por uno y otro sexo, y el impuesto y la contribución gravan lo mismo la riqueza masculina que la femenina. Es decir, ante la ley, los deberes son los mismos, pero los derechos, no.

Certain doctors and government officials, he said, were gathered together in his house, telegraphically summoned to consult about a local case of cholera. As to edibles, the gentlemen had lunched, and nothing was left, absolutely nothing; it had been uno sterminio an extermination of all he possessed.

Everyone present knew that her Italian, as a medium for conversation, had suffered a complete break-down, and it was no longer any real use, when Olga did not quite catch the rhythm of a passage, to murmur "Uno, due, tre" unconsciously to herself; she might just as well have said "one, two, three" for any effect it had on Mrs Weston.

Guicciardini's Dialogo del Reggimento di Firenze (Op. Ined. vol. ii. p. 94) sets forth the state of internal anarchy and external violence which followed the departure of Charles VIII., with wonderful acuteness. 'Se per sorte l' uno Oltramontano caccer

Uno avolso non deficit alter: the Corsicans never lacked a leader to replace the fallen: and in 1735 the succession was shared by two noble patriots, Giafferi and Hyacinth Paoli. "Under their attacks the Genoese were slowly but none the less certainly losing their hold on the island.

M. Bayle in his Dictionary, article 'Xenophanes', brings up sundry authorities against this, and among others that of the poet Diphilus in the Collections of Stobaeus, whose Greek might be thus expressed in Latin: Fortuna cyathis bibere nos datis jubens, Infundit uno terna pro bono mala.

"But, sir aren't you a poet and don't you write plays?" "Exactly, and that's why I'm warning you. Ex uno disce omnes, which you may like to know means, we're all tarred with the same brush." "And do you drink too much, sir?" inquired Lavinia with an engaging simplicity. "Gad, not oftener than I can help. But we were talking about falling in love and that has nothing to do with my drinking habits.

Dion Cassius, C. Julius Caesar, xliv. 17. "Spreta religione." Suetonius. Not perhaps Caius Cassius, but another. Suetonius says "alter e Cassiis." So says Suetonius, the best extant authority, who refers to the famous words addressed to Brutus only as a legend: "Atque ita tribus et viginti plagis confossus est, uno modo ad primum ictum gemitu sine voce edito.

His best known sculpture is the figure of a dying guerilla soldier, significantly entitled, "Uno de tantos" "One of so many." Powerful assistance has been given to education and artistic development by various clubs and literary associations, especially women's clubs, throughout the country.

England, Scotland, Ireland, abreast, tres juncti in uno, united in thought, aim and action, was there aught upon earth, biped, quadruped, or mille-pied, that must not yield to the charge? If there was, it was not that animal oscillating along the saddle of sand, progressing from pommel to cantel, like the pendulum of a clock.