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Being appointed by Caius Caesar to supersede Gaetulicus in his command, the day after his joining the legions, he put a stop to their plaudits in a public spectacle, by issuing an order, "That they should keep their hands under their cloaks." Immediately upon which, the following verse became very common in the camp: Disce, miles, militare: Galba est, non Gaetulicus.

I drew near and read, and this was the writing: HARMACHIDI.SALVERE.EGO.SUM.QUEM.SUBDERE.NORAS PAULUS.ROMANUS.DISCE.HINC.QUID.PRODERE.PROSIT. "Greeting, Harmachis! I was that Roman Paulus whom thou didst suborn. Learn now how blessed are traitors!" Sick and faint I staggered back from the sight of that white corpse stained with its own blood.

H. Lister, some years afterwards known as the author of The Life and Administration of the First Earl of Clarendon, 3 vols. 8vo, 1837-38. Mr. Lister died in his 41st year in 1842. April 1. Ex uno die disce omnes. Rose at seven or sooner, studied, and wrote till breakfast with Anne, about a quarter before ten. Lady Scott seldom able to rise till twelve or one. Then I write or study again till one.

But why do I thus linger over the sad recital? "Ab uno disce omnes." Nor did I ever see or hear of the peas, or the beans. If our chickens could be brought to the witness-box, they might throw light on the subject. As it is, I drop a natural tear, and pass on to THE FLOWER-GARDEN. It appeared very much behind time, chiefly Roman wormwood. I was grateful even for that.

"To explain it is not enough," I answered; "it is a question which is worthy of an answer." And after considering for a moment, I wrote the following pentameter: 'Disce quod a domino nomina servus habet.

Have we not here, my classical friends, an exhilarating instance of the results of your monopoly? Ab uno disce omnes. We are constantly being told thatknowledge is power,” and that the knowledge of a foreign language means not only intellectual power, but commercial and political power. Yet those in authority do not budge an inch to get possession of such power.

This, do you see, is, to a woman's heart, what the pain of an extracted tooth is to a child of eight. Ab uno disce omnes: which means, "There's one of them: find the rest in your memory." For we have taken this culinary description as a prototype of the vexations which afflict loving but indifferently loved women. A woman full of faith in the man she loves is a romancer's fancy.

"To explain it is not enough," I answered; "it is a question which is worthy of an answer." And after considering for a moment, I wrote the following pentameter: 'Disce quod a domino nomina servus habet.

"But, sir aren't you a poet and don't you write plays?" "Exactly, and that's why I'm warning you. Ex uno disce omnes, which you may like to know means, we're all tarred with the same brush." "And do you drink too much, sir?" inquired Lavinia with an engaging simplicity. "Gad, not oftener than I can help. But we were talking about falling in love and that has nothing to do with my drinking habits.

Tu novitatis amans Roma si Tibura malles Per nos "de villa quae nova" disce "tua." Cent. v. i. p. 131. Of his poems, which are neither numerous, nor exhibit much variety of manner, little remains to be said. Archimage, though a sprightly sally, cannot be ranked among the successful imitations of Spenser's style.