United States or Ethiopia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Yes, but, Katie, you have not yet told us the plot," said Ishmael. "Well, I gwine do it now, right off, Marse Ishmael! Well, you see I kept on watchin' of 'em, till one day, it happened as a poor gal, one o' de housemaids, was found wid her t'roat cut unnerneaf of de castle wall "

Old Katie answered the bell, entering with uplifted hands and eyes, exclaiming: "Well, my ladyship! if this ain't the outlandishest country as ever was! Coming over from t'other side we had the ocean unnerneaf of us, and now 'pears to me like we has got it overhead of us, by the fog and mist and rain perpetual!

Cowardice is worse than death!" And summoning all her resolution she spoke up, glibly: "Patty, come here and unhook my dress." "Yes, miss, I will just as soon as I get your slippers from unnerneaf of de bed!" "I don't want them! Come here this minute and unhook my dress I can't breathe!

Kep' look roun'. An' eve'y tem pea-oil light flicker, look roun' to shee who was. Ole tem stop to hol' his ear on flaw shee who come. Flaw rip up; nen go getta shover an' dig long ho' in earf, unnerneaf dissa bed. Nen vay quick shover back ole dissa earf, fix flaw, an' blow out light. "'Ole tem I stay up dissa loof. Vay hunger no wadder; an' cannot rob dissa merchan' becose he dead!

Getta vay much disgussion; but nex' day he fonnow long inhine dissa lich man jussa semma befaw. Somma tem eat at semma tabuh wif Jan; but Jan getta begin to suspicious, an' ole tem getta his go' an' sivver unnerneaf him when he shet down to tabuh. Chan Tow say hisse'f: 'You fink I doan' know how to shucshess to stea' yo' money. Maybe I big foo' you. "We', bye-bye was mont' go by.