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"Der musig haf no heart for you," he complained. "Maype you vould like a popular song to sing to me. I vill gif you 'Efrybody Vorks Poor Vather. Yes? No?" "Don't yez do it, Hans," entreated Barney. "We have suffered enough already." "Und id vos such a peautiful song!" moaned Dunnerwurst. "I understandt der author uf dot song got only fife hundret dollars for writin' id."

Do you hear? A gomedy. Ant you ant I are coing to write that gomedy. Do you understandt? He slipped out of his overcoat, and threw it into the arm-chair in the corner. Then he banged the lustrous hat upon the table, and snatching up a pen, thrust it into Paul's hand. 'Ve are coing to wride that gomedy, ant ve are coing to begin at vonce eh? 'Why, certainly, said Paul.

"It has not appeared yet," Herr Stohwasser confessed; "it takes a long time to get an imbortant choke like that out in brint. But I vait I write to ze editor every week and I vait." "Why don't you put it in your Grammar?" suggested Tipping. If I haf time, some day I will make anozer liddle choke to aggompany, begause I vant my Crammar to be a goot Crammar, you understandt. And now to our Tell.

"However, in consideration of the happy chance that mate you the instrument unter Gott of this Pooterage flying-machine reaching his Highness's hand, you haf been spared. Yes, you were the pearer of goot tidings. You will be allowed to remain on this ship until it is convenient to dispose of you. Do you understandt?"

"We will bring him," said the Prince, and added terribly with a terrible glare, "als Ballast." "You are to come with us," said Winterfeld, "as pallast. Do you understandt?" Bert opened his mouth to ask about the five hundred pounds, and then a saving gleam of wisdom silenced him. He met Von Winterfeld's eye, and it seemed to him the secretary nodded slightly.

"Of whom are you sbeaging, my dear Sir Reginald?" "I am speaking of the unfortunate individual known as `the British Workman," was the baronet's quiet reply. "Am I do understandt thad you make the embloymend of English workmen a gondition of the underdaking?" asked the professor somewhat sharply.