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"Bed, I think your Highness said, and a cooling-draught?" And he wandered dreamily back to where Uggug sulkily awaited him.

And, so intent were they on this interesting question, that neither of them even looked up till the Professor, leading Uggug by the hand, stood close before them. My Lady was the first to notice their approach. "Why, here's the Professor!" she exclaimed in her blandest tones. "And my precious child too! Are lessons over?" "A strange thing has happened!" the Professor began in a trembling tone.

Come in for a minute, and bring the music-master with you! To turn over the music for him," he added as an explanation. Uggug, having filled his basket with frogs, had no objection to obey, and soon appeared in the room, followed by a fierce-looking little man, who asked the Vice-Warden "Vot music vill you haf?" "The Sonata that His Highness plays so charmingly," said the Vice-Warden.

Yes, we were in the garden once more: and, to escape that horrid discordant voice, we hurried indoors, and found ourselves in the library Uggug blubbering, the Professor standing by with a bewildered air, and my Lady, with her arms clasped round her son's neck, repeating, over and over again, "and did they give him nasty lessons to learn? My own pretty pet!"

He appealed to the Gardener, who had finished his song, and stood, balancing himself on one leg, and looking at them, with his mouth open. "I never means nothing," said the Gardener: and Uggug luckily came up at the moment, and gave the conversation a new turn. "Allow me to present my son," said the Vice-warden; adding, in a whisper, "one of the best and cleverest boys that ever lived!

"And the pins they gave me for nothing!" the Professor added in high glee. "Fifteen of 'em, and only one bent!" "I'll make the bent one into a hook!" said Sylvie. "To catch Bruno with, when he runs away from his lessons!" "You ca'n't guess what my present is!" said Uggug, who had taken the butter-dish from the table, and was standing behind her, with a wicked leer on his face.

The Chancellor caught his meaning at last, and, crossing the room, took that interesting child by the ear the next moment he and Uggug were out of the room, and the door shut behind them: but not before one piercing yell had rung through the room, and reached the ears of the fond mother. "What is that hideous noise?" she fiercely asked, turning upon her startled husband.

You see, as Court-Professor, I have to be always in attendance on Prince Uggug. The Empress would be very angry if I left him, even for an hour." "But surely, every time you come here, you are absent ten days, at least?" "Oh, more than that!" the Professor exclaimed. "A fortnight, sometimes.

"He's just under here," said Uggug, who had gone to the window, and was looking down into the court-yard. "Where, my darling?" said his fond mother, flinging her arms round the neck of the little monster. The old Beggar looked up at us with hungry eyes. "Only a crust of bread, your Highness!" he pleaded. He was a fine old man, but looked sadly ill and worn.

Sylvie and Bruno went away hand in hand: but, on reaching the door, Sylvie came back again and went up to Uggug timidly. "I don't mind about the butter," she said, "and I I'm sorry he hurt you!" And she tried to shake hands with the little ruffian: but Uggug only blubbered louder, and wouldn't make friends. Sylvie left the room with a sigh. The Sub-Warden glared angrily at his weeping son.