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Nothing could have supported Little Margery under the affliction she was in for the loss of her brother, but the pleasure she took in her two shoes. She ran out to Mrs. Smith as soon as they were put on, and stroking down her ragged apron thus cried out, "Two shoes, ma'am, see two shoes." And so she behaved to all the people she met, and by that means obtained the name of Goody Two-Shoes.

In the first part of this work the young student has read, and I hope with pleasure and improvement, the history of this lady, while she was known and distinguished by the name of LITTLE TWO-SHOES. We are now come to a period of her life when that name was discarded, and a more eminent one bestowed upon her; I mean that of MRS. MARGERY TWO-SHOES; for as she was now president of the A, B, C college, it became necessary to exalt her in title as in place.

Newbury, and her mind required some more substantial excitement than 'Tom Thumb, or even 'Goody Two-Shoes. 'The Seven Champions' was a great resource and a great favourite; but it required all the vigilance of a mother to eradicate the false impressions which such studies were continually making on so tender a student; and to disenchant, by rational discussion, the fascinated imagination of her child.

Gilfil called it his wonderful pocket, because, as he delighted to tell the 'young shavers' and 'two-shoes' so he called all little boys and girls whenever he put pennies into it, they turned into sugar-plums or gingerbread, or some other nice thing.

Soon after, the tempest drove in four thieves, who not seeing such a little creep-mouse girl as Two-Shoes, lay down on the hay next to her, and began to talk over their exploits, and to settle plans for future robberies. Little Margery, on hearing them, covered herself with straw.

The next place we came to was Farmer Thomson's, where there was a great many little ones waiting for her. "So, Little Mrs. Goody Two-Shoes," says one of them, "where have you been so long?" "I have been teaching," says she, "longer than I intended, and am, I am afraid, come too soon for you now."

All the company acknowledged the justness of the observation, and thanked Little Two-Shoes for her advice. After this, my dear children, I hope you will not believe any foolish stories that ignorant, weak, or designing people may tell you about ghosts; for the tales of ghosts, witches, and fairies are the frolics of a distempered brain. No wise man ever saw either of them.

Thus, by degrees, you may have them all completed; and if by this means you should acquire the wise and virtuous habit of perseverance, it will be far more valuable to you than the richest present you could possibly receive." Ascribed to OLIVER GOLDSMITH All the world must allow that Two-Shoes was not her real name.

'What do you want? asked Miss Rayner sharply, as she made him welcome at the table. 'I am not accustomed to visits from you. 'No, Kenneth said, laughing; 'I only came to see how Goody Two-Shoes was getting on, and whether she wants to come home again. 'I am very happy here, thank you, I said. 'I was not aware that the arrangement of her affairs was in your hands, Miss Rayner remarked drily.

Indeed, little Bessie Parrot, a flaxen-headed 'two-shoes', very white and fat as to her neck, always had the admirable directness and sincerity to salute him with the question 'What zoo dot in zoo pottet? You can imagine, then, that the christening dinners were none the less merry for the presence of the parson.