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"There ain't water enough 'tween here an' Hatt'rus to wash the furrer-mold off'n his boots. He's jest everlastin' farmer. Why, Harve, I've seen thet man hitch up a bucket, long towards sundown, an' set twiddlin' the spigot to the scuttle-butt same's ef 'twas a cow's bag. He's thet much farmer. Well, Penn an' he they ran the farm up Exeter way 'twur.

"O! a little stannin an twiddlin!" said Daffady contemptuously "I allus ses they pays em abuve a bit." "But the miners? come, Daffady!" "I'm not stannin to it aw roond," said Daffady patiently "I laid it down i' th' general." "And all the people, who work with their heads, Daffady, like like my papa?" The girl smiled softly, and turned her slim neck to look at the old man.

You should have more command over yourself, Charity Oliver." "But I can't," Miss Oliver protested. "When I see pretty things like that, my fingers won't stop twiddlin' till I make sure." "By the same argiment I wonder you didn't pocket the spoon. Which was old Lord Some-thing-or-Other's complaint; though I doubt you wouldn't get off so light as he did."

Rogers, if you're foolin' me over this 'Will you stop twiddlin' those cursed feet of yours an' listen to me? They haven't got the gold, but I think I've guessed who has. That young whelp Haddon. 'Dickie Haddon? How, how? Where's it now? 'How in thunder should I know? But I know the troopers didn't get it. They would have made some noise about it afore this.

So I was like Mahomet when the mountain wouldna gang to him. I needed London mair then than London needed me, and 'twas no for me to be prood and sit twiddlin' my thumbs till times changed. I was nervous, I'll admit, when I reached the great toon. I was wrong to lash mysel', maybe, but it means a great deal to an artist to ha' the stamp o' London's approval upon him.

Sus. Well, I hope she'll be civil, or I'll just give her a bit of my mind. Mat. Not enough to change hers, I'm afraid. That sort of thing never does any good. Sus. And am I to go a twiddlin' of my thumbs, and sayin' yes, ma'am, an' no, ma'am? Not if I knows it, Matilda! Mat. You will only make her the more positive in her ill opinion of us. Sus. An' what's that to me? Mat.

"'Let me now from the bonded ware'ouse of my knowledge," began Stalky. "Oh, rot! Don't Jorrock. Can we make a run for it?" snapped McTurk. "'Bishops' boots Mr. Radcliffe also condemned, an' spoke 'ighly in favor of tops cleaned with champagne an' abricot jam. Where's that thing Cokey was twiddlin' this afternoon?" They heard him groping in the wet, and presently beheld a great miracle.