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We worked in the smallest room and slept there as well all six of us. There were two turnup beds in it, and we slept three in a bed. There was no chimney, and, indeed, no ventilation whatever. I was near losing my life there the foul air of so many people working all day in the place, and sleeping there at night, was quite suffocating.

Miss Norris seems to have a great deal of confidence in me, considering that I am a stranger. I will take care that she does not repent it." "Can you give a poor man enough money to buy a cheap meal?" asked a plaintive voice. Carl scanned the applicant for charity closely. He was a man of medium size, with a pair of small eyes, and a turnup nose.

Since that, there has been a blessing on him; and we've prospered." "Is Cashel quarrelsome?" At the tone of this question Mrs. Skene suddenly realized the untimeliness of her complaints. "No, no," she protested. "He never drinks; and as to fighting, if you can believe such a thing, miss, I don't think he has had a casual turnup three times in his life not oftener, at any rate.

I know if I was lying you would ketch me, and I should own up quick; 'cause your match doesn't go about in human flesh; but all the lancets and all the doctors can't git no blood out'en a turnup." "You are quite willing, then, to see General Darrington's granddaughter suffer for the crime?" "'Fore Gord! Mars Lennox, you don't tote fair! 'Pears to me you are riding two horses.