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The Julia arrived, much to my relief; and Mr. Low, a botanist and naturalist, arrived in her. He will be a great acquisition to our society, if devoted to these pursuits. The same day that the Julia entered, the Ariel left the river. I dismissed the Tumma Dyaks; re-warned Bandar Cassim of the consequences of his oppression; and had a parting interview with Lingire.

At present, in Sarawak, we have Balows and Sarebus, mortal enemies; Lenaar, our extreme tribe, and our new Sadong tribe of Tumma. Lately we had Kantoss, from near Sarambow, in the interior of Pontiana; Undops, from that river; and Badjows, from near Lantang tribes which had never thought of Sarawak before, and perhaps never heard the name. Oh, for power to pursue the course pointed out! "16th.

Bandar Cassim I believe to be a weak man, swayed by stronger-headed and worse rascals; but, now that Seriff Sahib and Muda Hassim are no longer in the country, he retains no excuse for oppressing the poor Dyaks. Si Nankan and Tumma have already flown, and most of the other tribes are ready to follow their example, and take refuge in Sarawak.

Departure of Captain Keppel, and arrival of Sir E. Belcher. Mr. Brooke proceeds, with Muda Hassim, in the Samarang to Borneo. Labuan examined. Returns to Sarawak. Visit of Lingire, a Sarebus chief. The Dyaks of Tumma and Bandar Cassim. Meets an assembly of Malays and Dyaks. Arrival of Lingi, as a deputation from the Sakarran chiefs. The Malay character. Excursion up the country.

At daylight started toward Tumma, and at 9 stopped below Muora Sangan, where we breakfasted, after which we pushed up again, and at 1 arrived at Si Sijack, where the Tumma are.

There are no Malays there to impede our progress by their lies and their intrigues; and, God willing, these rivers shall be the great arteries by which civilization shall be circulated to the heart of Borneo. "14th. The Dyaks of Tumma, a runaway tribe from Sadong, came down last night, as Bandar Cassim of Sadong wishes still to extract property from them.

I told them I should represent the matter to the Tuan Besar, and that no doubt he will give his chop to each tribe. They all speak well of Bandar Cassim; but his people are bad, and those at Gadong are worse. "14th. At 6h 30m started up the river Kayan toward Tumma, having left Talip with nineteen men to return to Sarawak by way of Samarahan.