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Not velly wet now. Captain velly closs Ching tumb' overboard?" "No, he hasn't said anything." "Ching velly glad. You go tell captain something?" "What about?" I said. "Ching get lettee flom fliend." "That's right," I said. "How is he?" "Velly glad you catchee pilate." "Oh, he is, is he?" "Yes, velly muchee glad, and send lettee." "Yes, you said so." "Allee 'bout pilates."

And in its centre were a few words, or, rather abbreviations of words, in Latin, and some figures: In Para. Wrycestr. juxt. tumb. Ric. Jenk. ex cap. xxiii. xv. Bryce at first sight took them to be a copy of some inscription but his knowledge of Latin told him, a moment later, that instead of being an inscription, it was a direction. And a very plain direction, too! he read it easily.

Most of the Sets were as much of a size as Lord 's eighteen daughters, sailing down Regent Street, like a Charity School of a Sunday, led by a rum looking old beadle others again had large Roman matron looking women in the leading files, the figurantes in their tails becoming slighter and smaller, as they tapered away, until they ended in leetle picaniny, no bigger as my tumb, but always preserving the uniformity of dress, and colour of the umbrella or parasol.

"Well, I'll forgife him a little, Malcolm not ta one tat's tead, but ta one tat tidn't do it, you know. Put how will she pe forgifing him for ripping her poor pag? Och hone! och hone! No more musics for her tying tays, Malcolm! Och hone! och hone! I shall co creeping to ta crafe with no loud noises to defy ta enemy. Her pipes is tumb for efer and efer. Och hone! och hone!"

Then, with a sudden and vehement transition to the pathos of her own sorrow, she exclaims: 'Halla mai bista nissunu Tumb